Falling For My Teacher: Chapter 4

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McKenzie's POV

"I had something else in mind."

He says, a seductive smirk appearing across his face. He stares into my icy blue eyes as I stutter out a reply.

"L-like what?"

"Hmm, I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"Um maybe should go home."

"Now you and I both know that's not what you want."

He moves closer to me as I advert my gaze from his.

"Well th. . .that's not tru-"

He instantly cuts me off by kissing me. I tense up but eventually relax. He sits himsself between my legs and deepens the kiss. Licking my bottom lip for entrance that I denied. He tightens his embrace around my waist and push our bodies together as he gently nibbles at my bottom lip causing me to let out a light moan.

Taking this opportunity, he slides his tongue in my mouth as we fight for domination. I wasn't just being kissed, its like I was being devoured. He explores every part of my mouth. His was warm and tasted sweet, I don't know how I could last a day without it. We break away from the kiss, both breathing heavily. I quickly retreat from the couch, slowly backing up.

"You're my teacher, we shouldn't be doing this."

I remind, standing to my feet and glancing at him from time to time.

"I'm not that old you know. I'm only 24."

"T-that's not the point. It feels wrong."

I retort, finding it exceptionally hard to keep my cool.

"Hmm. . .you're actions tell a different story."

He says with a sly smirk. I stumble over my words, looking for another excuse.

"Ugh, I'm going up stairs and when I come back down you better be gone."

I say while glaring at him. I stomp up the stairs. Why does my body always seem to react like that when I'm around him. I could tell that I had became aroused when we had our little make out session on the couch. My body was hot and felt like it was on fire.

I smash a pillow to my face and bury myself in my blankets. Maybe I should've just never let him my house in the first place. Wow I'm an idiot. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and I quickly remove the pile of fluff from my face.

"I told you to leave you nimrod! Now stop bothering me."

Instead of him listening, he opens the door and walks in. He was basically sex walking on legs.

"What are you deaf! I said leave."

He softly laughs and comes to sit on my bed. He doesn't listen for shit.

"Leave Kyle."

"Woah, finally calling my by my name. That's a first"

"I said to le-"

He interrupts me mid sentence, placing a kiss atop my mouth. I shudder at the feeling of his lips against mine. God its happening again, my body just goes weak everytime his lips touch mine. Its feels like I'm actually a slave to his touch. He removes the covers off my body and once again gets between my legs.

His tongue slides across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Instead of fighting it this time, I give in. I could feel him smirk against my lips. His mouth tasted like candy as he used his hot steamy tongue to maneuver its way around my mouth.

I moan into the kiss, sending pleasurable vibrations through my body. He breaks apart as we gasp for air. I wasn't free for long because as quickly as he pulled away, I felt his lips against my neck. I bit my lip to suppress the noises threatening to spill from my mouth.

Falling For My Teacher {COMPLETED} *Where stories live. Discover now