Wait, you have friends other than us?

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Aaron was startled awake by a loud squeal. He blinked at the ceiling a few times before looking over to the other side of the bed. Huh. Aph's awake before me? Slowly he climbed out of bed and quickly got dressed in a hoodie and some jeans before heading downstairs to where the noise cam from. What he found was his girlfriend curled up on the couch furiously typing on her phone with an almost psychotic smile on her face.
"Babe? Are you okay? Why are you up so early?" Aaron asked. A quick glance at his phone confirmed that it was insanely early. Barely five in the morning in fact. He looked up just in time to see Aphmau's head jerk up from looking at his phone to stare at him.
"Oh! Aaron!" She blurted out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I was just texting some old friends of mine," Her smile never once broke at she talked. It was almost like she was so excited she couldn't physically stop smiling.
"At five in the morning? What's so important? And what friends? Do you mean Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan? Because they aren't really what I would classify as old friends..." he trailed off. Aphmau giggled before climbing over the couch to book her boyfriends on the nose.
"No silly, not them. I did have other friends before I moved to Phoenix Drop senior year, you know. We haven't seen each other since college, but it looks like we're all meeting up here in a few days!" Her words dissolved into another loud squeal at the end. Aaron just raised an eyebrow. He'd never seen her so excited before, and that was saying a lot. Aphmau giggled again before heading to the kitchen, saying she was going to make some breakfast. How come I've never heard of these friends before? Maybe I should ask the others if they know who they are? He decided to worry about it later, when the sun was actually up, and went to help Aph.


A few (Omg will this never stop making me giggle? Bad author! Carry on.) hours later Aph was still smiling as they head over to the boys' house to hand out with everyone. Aaron had tried to ask her some questions while making and eating breakfast but all she has said was that they are family friends and that he didn't need to worry. Which, of course, just made him worry more. They spent the first hour or so at house just hanging out and enjoying being all together. Even Zane and Lucinda had decided to show up. It had been a while since all of them had been together like this. However, Aaron couldn't get the thought of these other friends of Aphmau's out of his head. If they were so important to her, why had he never heard of them? He finally got Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan alone and decided to ask if they had ever heard of them.
"Aphmau's friends from before she moved here? I've never heard of them," said Katelyn. "She still talks to them? I didn't know she had friends other than us," Huh. So Katelyn has never heard of them either. That's odd, she's like a sister to Aph.
"Kawaii-Chan has never heard of them either, but she did see some weird contact names on Aphmau-Senpai's phone once when she was using to to order pizza. Maybe that was them?" Kawaii-Chan wondered.
"Why don't we just ask her?" Question Katelyn. She walked right over to Aphmau, who was talking to Zane and Garroth and waited for her to finish speaking before doing exactly that.
"So Aph, who are these old friends I hear are coming to visit?" She asked bluntly. Aphmau giggled before replying,
"So Aaron told you, huh? Don't worry, they're just some old family friends. I'm just really excited because we haven't seen each other in person since college," It seems this didn't make her former roommates any less worried than it did her boyfriend. It wasn't like Aph to keep secrets, and if these people were important enough to her to make her this excited, why wouldn't she tell them anything about them?
"Wait, you have friends other than us?" Zane butted in. Aphmau just giggled once again and nodded as Aaron, Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn gave each other worried looks. What is she up to?
"Zane. That's rude. It's perfectly fine for Aphmau to have friends other than us. But, we do get to meet them right?" Garroth burst out. At this Aphmau seemed to think for a few seconds before answering that no, they probably wouldn't get to meet them. His caused several outbursts from her friends that caught the attention of the others in the house.
"Ladies, ladies, calm down, there's plenty of me to go around." Three chances to guess who said that. Everyone walked over to where the action was happening. Aphmau rolled her eyes.
"This isn't a big deal. I'm just meeting up with some old friends. Nothing to worry about, just forget about it," She said. Her phone chose that lucky, or unlucky depending on how you see it, to ring. Aphmau muttered something that sounded suspiciously like "Well, that's convenient," before excusing herself to take the call outside. Lucinda looked over at Aaron.
"What's going on? It's obviously a bigger deal than she's making it out to be if it's got the three of you worried," She said, gesturing to him, Katelyn, and Kawaii-Chan. He sighed before explaining that Aphmau is meeting up with some friends that they've never heard of before.
"That by itself wouldn't be an issue, but apparently they've been her friends since before she moved her in high school, and are important enough to get her more excited than I've ever seen her. It just seems a little odd that she would keep something that means so much to her from her best friends. It makes us wonder if there's a reason she didn't tell us, or if there are other things she's keeping from us. It just seems odd," He told the group.
"Hmm..." pondered Lucinda. "That is a little weird, especially for Aph, but we shouldn't pressure her. If she wants to tell us, or introduce us to her friends, then she will. We shouldn't try to force her."
"But what if her friends are dangerous? I mean, do any of us even know where Aphmau moved from? Maybe she came from a bad town to get away from people like them, and now they're taking her back!" Katelyn ranted.
"I think Katelyn had a point in that we shouldn't leave this alone, but I don't think she would be this excited if they are bad people. Maybe we should just ask about where she grew up?" Suggested Aaron. Everyone seemed to like that idea and even Katelyn had to admit her theory was a little out there. They all agreed just to talk with Aph and see if they could learn about her hometown and the people she grew up with. Some of them, like Aaron and Zane, felt kind of bad that they had never done so before. She ment a lot to both of them, although for different reasons, and they never even asked where she was born. It doesn't matter anymore though, because they were going to fix that now and learn all about what Aphmau's childhood was like.


   When Aphmau came back inside after talking with Kayla about picking them all up from the airport the next day, she was surprised to see everyone sitting ont he couch waiting for her. Aaron was the first to speak.
     "We all decided that it was wrong to grill you about your family friends when we don't even know anything about your family or your childhood before you moved to Phoenix Drop. Instead we just want to talk to you about your life before you knew us, no strings attached. Just some long overdue getting to know Aphmau time," This made Aphmau smile even if she was a little worried. What am I supposed to tell them? Well, my dad is a god and a superhero and I spent my childhood training with him on Asgard, a planet full of gods, and learning about Earth on Earth with other children of superheroes. Yeah, no. Instead of saying that she sat down next to Aaron, grabbed his hand, and told them some of the normal stuff from her life. How Sylvana was a very caring mom but strict, how she and her friends used to pretend to have superpowers, how she lead a chicken army into battle against her elementary school principle with one of her best friends. Okay maybe that last one isn't so normal, but it is true. It was all going fine, she even answered a few question until Laurence asked a question she had no idea how to respond to.
     "What about your dad?" Crap. Crap crap crap. Oh, why did I never come up with a cover story? Mom said I should, but I never thought I would need it! I should have listened. Her friends seemed to mistake her panicking as a sign that her father was a touchy subject.
     "Sorry! I understand if that might be a bad topic. You don't have to answer," Laurence quickly rectified his seeming mistake. What? Why would it be a bad- ohhhhhhh. They think I had a bad dad. I can roll with this. Sorry in advance dad. Aphmau put on a sad face and even summoned some fake tears to make her eyes look shiny. Dead puppies, dead puppies, dead puppies...
     "No, it's fine. I just don't really like to talk about him. I don't remember him much. He wasn't around much, and when he was he wasn't exactly nice. Her used to yell at me and my mom. He finally left when I was... seven. Yeah, he left when I was seven," Aph made up on the spot. Daaaannngggg, I am gooood. The others all nodded sympathetically, and Kawaii-Chan looked like she might start crying. Aphmau felt bad for lying to them, but this side of the country didn't have monster, super villains, or superheroes like her hometown did. It was likely they wouldn't believe her and even if they did, it would just cause and even bigger mess. No, it was better to keep her life as Aphmau and her life as Jess separate. Jess. No one has called me that in so long. I can't wait to see The Few again. They were like family to her. The only people who knew everything about her and loved her for all of it. Don't get her wrong, she loved her friends in Phoenix Drop, but they would never understand what it's like to be the odd one out, or to live a life where Gawkens and semi-evil uncles are your normal. It just wasn't the same.
     "Well, this is depressing now. How about we all go out for some smoothies and then head to the park," suggested Lucinda. Aphmau squealed for what seems like the millionth time that morning and rushed out the door with Kawaii-Chan. Everyone else followed at a much more relaxed pace. They all seemed much better after learning that her child was totally normal. Well, except for the chicken thing. That was weird. Then again, so was Aphmau most of the time, so it made sense. It wouldn't be until the next day that they realize that Aphmau never did tell them where she grew up, just a little about the people she grew up with, but by then she would be on her way to pick up her old friends to spend the day with them.

So did you like it? Sorry it took me so long to actually post this. I said in my other book that I was going to forever ago. If you see any mistakes, please point them out. I'm going to try to upload chapters that are between 2000-2500 words long once a week. That might change a little when school starts, as I am taking three honors and one AP class. I was going to make this a little longer, but it's past midnight and I'm tired. I might try to get another chapter up tomorrow if I can since the book is just starting. I don't know, I might just try to get out a bunch of chapter before school starts, we'll see. Hope everyone has a great day, or night, thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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