Chapter One

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   I sat on the porch, my phone ringing. I just ignored it and stared at the space in front of me, completely zoned out. "Hellooooo?" A voice called, waving their hand in front of my face. I grabbed their wrist completely freaked out and stared them in the eyes. "Alec!"
   He started laughing and pulled his hand back. "Chill." I laughed, hard. I knew I was being extra...but my friends never really cared, so I didn't either. "What do you wanna do today?" I asked as Alec sat next to me on the porch step. "How about Laser tag?" He asked. "Sure, but only if we bring Jessica."
    Alec nodded. "Cheryl too." He pulled out his phone and started to text them. "Okayyyy." I sighed dramatically. We walked to his car and left to meet at Pinstack, where we loved playing laser tag, tons of arcade games, and bowling. We listened to my favorite music all the way there and when we finally arrived Cheryl and Jessica were standing out front.
    "Hey girl!" Jessica shouted, running up and hugging me. "Hi." Cheryl said, avoiding eye contact. I just ignored her and turned to Jessica. "You're about to get beat." I smiled competitively, running into the building and eventually losing as always. I always played on the same team as Alec, which I didn't like so much. He was really extremely good at the game but took it wayyy too seriously and was always trying to teach me how to shoot well.
    I was getting better, but as Alec said, didn't care enough to learn. It was fun losing...somehow. When we got done playing games we piled into Alec's car, Cheryl said she'd have someone come get hers. When we got home we all got ready for the party and set up the decorations. I didn't really want to have a lot of people over for my birthday party, since last year my sweet sixteen was a total mess. I only invited Jessica, Alec, Dallas, my parents, and Cheryl seemed to invite herself.
    Alec turned on the music as Dallas knocked on the door. I opened it and gave her a kiss. "I missed you! Where have you fucking been?" I laughed. She smiled, giving me a slight hug and setting my present on a table. "Looking for your present. You're so demanding, you know?" I rolled my eyes. "You're just a bad shopper." Alec walked into the entrance room, nodding his head towards the kitchen.
     "Let's go." I sighed, picking up my present from Dallas before she snatched it back. "No peeking." I walked into the kitchen where everyone was standing around the table. My mom walked in holding the cake and my dad jokingly led everyone in singing Happy Birthday. Almost as soon as my mom set the cake down I blew out the candles.

Then we heard a window break.

    Everyone's eyes went wide and I looked towards my dad. He just looked angry and stomped into the living room. His eyes went from anger to urgency as he turned and Locke eyes with Alec who didn't understand. Then we all heard a gun. Then...I didn't hear anything for a while. He was shot in the forehead. Jessica grabbed me and shoved me under a table, Dallas just kept screaming. Alec pulled a gun out of his shirt and so did my mom, Jessica, and didn't even look upset.
    Next to die was Dallas, who didn't even have a gun, and then Jessica. Alec and my mom realised who outnumbered the were and Alec lost his shit. He started screaming something at my mom before flipping the table I was under and pulling me out a nearby window. "My mom!" I screamed, resisting. "She can handle herself." He said, obviously knowing she would die. "GET UP AND RUN!" He let go of me and started in running towards the woods.
    After a second he realised I wouldn't follow and pointed his gun at me. "I said run!" Tears in my eyes, I sat up and chased after him. We ran over logs and around trees until we found a safe place to be. An abandoned cabin was a few trees ahead of us. He gripped my wrist, knocked down the door, and walked inside. I yanked my hand away forcefully and walked to the other side of the cabin. "Can you explain to me what's going on?!" I asked, my eyes still filled with tears.
     "Why should I tell you?" he said, sitting down and pulling out his phone. "Because my parents and  friends just died in front of me!" I yelled. "Shh they might hear you!" He whispered. "They were never your friends and family. We were secretly-"  I interrupted "Protecting me." He stood back up and glared at her. "How'd you know..?" I looked down at my feet, not wanting to look at him. "It became kind of obvious." I zoned out for a minute, thinking.
    "I don't get it." I said, holding my legs to my chest. "When did they me?" Alec rolled his eyes. "We started training to protect you before we even met you, same for your parents." I sat up. "By who..and why...AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Alec was obviously irritated and ignored her. "Alec!" I cried. He just glared at me. "My name's not Alec, and stop crying!"
    I couldn't stop though, that made me cry even more. "So... everyone my birthday party...they were all just under cover... y'all weren't really my friends...and what about my parents?" Alec stood up. "Last questions I'm answering. Dallas was a mistake, not an agent. I hate you and this dumb fucking plan, I just do what the agency tells me. Cheryl hates you too. Jessica seems to like you but I don't know, we've never really talked about you that much. Your parents aren't your fucking parents. They're agents who agreed to go undercover as a  married couple with some ROBOT AS A CHILD."
    I started...laughing. robot? He had to be crazy. Or I did. Or...this had to be some dream. I didn't know what to think. "I'm gonna sleep." I whispered, laying down and closing my eyes. He nodded, and started to call someone. I couldn't fall asleep so I just eavesdropped on what they were saying. I think he'd noticed a bit so he walked outside...since the door was busted open I could still hear him a little.
   Throughout the whole conversation, this is what I heard. "It happened....what do you mean WHAT  happened..?" Then he was whispering for a while and I finally heard. "I'll get her there." He walked back in and stared at me, mostly because I'd been sitting straight up and staring at him. "Where are we gonna go?" I whispered. He was, once again,  obviously really angry. This wasn't the Alec she knew.
    "What's your real name...and am I really a...uh...robot?" He sat down next to a table, holding his head in his hands. Was he... crying? I started to think of all the training he had gone through just to protect his entire life was kind of based around me since we had been best friends since I was seven...and he said he had gone through training for a while before he'd met me. I felt kind of sad for him. "Austin." He whispered after a while, sniffling. I was gonna keep asking questions...but felt like I should give him space.

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