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Will's POV

The sound of steps and Shep's whine had me turn as I pulled away from Sarah as I widen my eyes a bit. Who just saw us? I stood up and walked over to the door to see if the person was close to the hallway but there was no one in the empty hallway. I turned to Sarah who just smiled a little. "She definitely gonna like that kiss" she nods in pride as I watch her leave. She was helping stage my first kiss with Luna.

Well now my kiss, since I shared mine with Sarah. But still I want the one between me and Luna to be great. Ever since I found her. I grew happy and a slight crush on her before he started to form more. I suddenly heard a horse cry out and Shep barking as I ran out of my room and ran down to the front hall to see the black mare that ran weeks ago. She was here but now leaving in such a rush. I ran towards the horse's stall and grabbed the rope for Jimber as I put it around his muzzle and proceeded to pull him out as he looked at me with his dark brown eyes.

I then grabbed the saddle and put it on Jimber quickly before checking if it was safely fasten before getting on and ran after the mare. She was running through the forest trees as I followed her path. But slowly I start to lose her in the darkness. Finally we entered the opening of a trail where the stream ran passed the rocks that peaked through the water. I notice large boulders that created a large shadow that looked like a wolf howling as I looked around for hoof marks that were made in the ground but couldn't find any. I sighed knowing I wouldn't find any in the night.

I got back on Jimber and rode back to Horseland. There could see Sarah, Bailey and Shep waiting for me but by Sarah's and Bailey's expressions I knew something was wrong. I got off Jimber and landed onto the dirt ground as I led the stallion over to them. "What wrong you guys look like someone died?" I half laughed and half asked. Bailey looked at Sarah before looking at me. "Luna's missing," Bailey broke the news to me as I widen my eyes and shook my head. "Very funny Bailey, OK Luna you can come out" I yelled as I had a feeling I was wrong and she was gone.  But I didn't want to come to that realization that's she's gone.

"Will, she's really gone" Sarah said this time as I felt the tears of a broken a heart come to life. Then it made sense. She saw me and Sarah. She must have gotten hurt of what we were doing. I hurt her. Because I was so new to falling for a girl and dating. I was fourteen and yet I had never kissed a girl before. I shouldn't have asked Sarah to teach me how to kiss. I should have gone instinct. If I just have had a done it sooner then she would still be here. And not out there being lost.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked up into brown eyes of my cousin Bailey. He had a sad look as I blinked the away the tears as they fell down my cheeks. I closed my eyes as I pulled away from Bailey and got back on Jimber and ran off some direction. I'm not gonna to let Luna go that easily. I liked not even like her. I love her. She was beautiful when I found her that day. That night when I caring for her. I knew I would slowly fall for her and boy was I right, I had fallen for her hard.

Jimber slowly stopped at the same cliff where I had found her calling from down below. I was hoping she would be here crying, and she would look up at me and she'll just cry about what she had seen.  But this is reality and not fantasy. She was not there. None such trace of her was there. I was truly alone and all because of my mistake. I sat down onto the ground and brought my knees to my chest as I finally let all the tears go. I soon felt Jimber nuzzle into my neck as to show like a hug as I put a hand on his muzzle to show I was OK. When in reality I wasn't.


Storm, Amber Dance and I decided to head down the trail as we walked through the trees to keep a distance from the humans. Even though I wasn't there for an hour. I still wanted to help and scout the area. My bright blue eyes stared at Amber Dance's dark brown hair. He looked up when he twisted his toward the direction of the quarry where I had fallen down a few weeks ago. I walked up to them and turned human as we seen the pale Palomino who had put his muzzle on his owner's shoulder as I walked forward and leaned onto the tree as I caught a glimpse of his owner. I slowly felt tears run down my cheek as I turned my head and looked at Storm who gave a sad look. He knew my pain. The pain of a heartbreak. I was the one who caused it after all. I sighed and walked back to the trail we took when we went to scout the area. Storm stood there leaving me and Amber Dance to walk back to the herd. I changed back to my horse form as Amber Dance spoke.

"That always gets to me, I'm not gonna get used to that" he chuckled as I shook my head and laughed as well. "Oh hush up Amber Dance, remember its better this way. I could get what we need when our own gets hurt from a mountain lion or a Bob cat" I pointed out as Amber dance nods. "True. So you OK? You know with the human you just saw. I could tell he was heartbroken, maybe because you left" he says as I whip my head to him and yowls at him in anger. "Never say anything about that. I left because I knew he wouldn't love a hybrid like me" I snapped at him as he backs up a bit and nods.

"OK OK, I get it" he says as we keep walking back to the herd. Once back i heard Storm coming back as I jerked my head to him as he smiles at me slightly and passes me as sigh and bowed my head as I start to eat the blades of grass. This was better, I was home and no other animals to interrupt me when I'm eating or resting.

But what pains me is not finding out about the truth of what I saw. But I think it's better if I don't know. And don't come back to horse land. Let's hope that some idiot doesn't get caught by the riders out here like I did. Then that would mean I had to help them get out and it's not easy for them because they can't change human like I can.

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