Chapter 1: A New Start

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"Oops sorry" The girl bumped me said

"Im so so sorry i bumped into you" I replied

"Thats ok, You new here?, wanna join us?" She asked pointing towards a group with 1 girl and 3 boys

"Yes i am, And im actually finding someone to join, so thanks!" I said as were slowly approching to the group

"Your welcome!, Im Betty, Betty Cooper" She reached out her hand

"Im Y/F/N,We basically moved from Asia to here"
I said

Then she said i was exotic Then we arrived

"So Y/N, this is my gang, Ronnie, Reggie and Archie" She introduced them to me

"Nice to meet you guys!"

"Hey Y/N, Im Veronica Lodge, Im into fashion and we're the richest family in this to-" Veronica bragged and bragged then Betty pinched Ronnie a bit then said

"This is not the right time Ronnie" Betty said

"Fine... But 1 more thing lets go shopping tomorrow!" She invited me!

"Ok then" I said

"Hey.... Im Reggie, im cool one, the cute on-"  Reggie said then Ronnie tackled him.

"Now this is the guy you have to tackle and not me" Ronnie said explaining to Betty. Then Reggie started talking again

"So Y/N just hit me up if you need a date or somethin" He said then i just shrugged

"#REJECTED" The 2 girls said at the same time.

"Hey im Jughead Jones, i like food and everything else food related, speaking of food. THERES A BUFFET THERE!!" He said then ran towards the buffet, I could tell he's really addicted!

"Archie go introduce yourself to Y/N" Betty said

"Hi, Im Archie Andrews i first found our gang and then ever since we're now best friends and you're a part of us now!" Archie, the cute one said.

Then all of us talked all night then when we were about to go home......

"Wanna hangout after school tomorrow?" Archie asked....

"Yes!, i mean.....Yeah sure!" I said then i kinda blushed a bit then yeah i went home.

So when i was in bed thinking of what happened earlier i said to myself

"Yeah, this is a fresh start."

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