Chapter 5- The Warning

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Felicia's POV

When Braith appeared in the room again, I immediately knew something was wrong. His pallour had turned even paler than usual, and deep frown lines were etched on his marble face. He looked... scared.


He turned towards me.

"What happened? What have you learnt?"

He paused for a second. "Deities be damned. If there ever was a God, not even He could save us now."

He turned to leave, but I ran after him and grabbed his shoulder. "What did you learn?"

Braith sighed, and turned to face me again. "Whoever sent you that letter is the most powerful being to have walked these realms in at least ten thousand years. And we need to stay far, far away from them."

"But Braith! I need to know what happened with my mother? What did Cassandra tell you?"

"She knew nothing, Felicia, nothing. They knew each other for 30 years, and she still doesn't know a thing about her."

"Please, Braith," I pleaded. "Just tell me what she said."

He nodded, resigned. "Here it is."


Sunlight streamed into the room through the slightly open windows, along with a comfortably warm breeze. Summer was well on its way.

I awoke slowly, and stretched with a yawn. Despite the worrying news I had received last night and my generally hectic life, I knew I had to find joy in the little things, like this idyllic morning; waking up in light of a warm sun, feeling refreshed and energised, stretching my face into a lazy, lopsided smile.

In the bathroom, I tamed my red mane of hair into a thick French braid, and changed quickly into an outfit in my closet. It was a simple cotton dress, stylishly faded, with a navy belt. I checked the time– 09:42. Where was breakfast?

Then I felt guilty for the thought, realising how spoiled I had become by this luxurious life in the castle. I decided to head down to the kitchen and make my own breakfast instead; perhaps I could make a big meal with the cooks and share it with all the slaves. They deserved so much more than what they got, and though Braith had improved the conditions slightly, I knew there were still a lot of problems to sort through.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Fel? You awake?"

Immediately, my lazy, lopsided smile turned into a full-on ecstatic grin. Meaghan! I hadn't seen her for over a day.

I opened the door and gave her a long, slow kiss right then and there, tangling my fingers into her thick, dark hair. Her cheeks turned red as we broke apart, and I pulled her into the room.

"I was wondering what you'd been up to," she murmured to herself with a small smile. "Nice to see you, too."

Now it was my turn to blush.

"Where's the rest of the gang? Camilla, Alex, Rosie, Tristan, Maddie, and Chloe?"

"Alex and Rosie are on a date in town..." I felt fingers tickle at my ankles. "Camilla is trying to teach herself a healing spell..." The fingers gravitated upwards to my hips. "Tristan is working..." A feather-light sensation caressed my shoulders. "And Maddie and Chloe are working on a new schedule for the castle maintenance..."

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