The Truth

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No, I'm sorry, this isn't a chapter. And, as I'm sure many of you suspect, I'm not sure there ever will be another.

When I started this project, I told myself I wasn't gonna turn out like all those other crappy authors, who got bored with their stories and stopped writing. Believe me, I understand exactly how frustrating it is when an author gives up and abandons their story, a story their readers have become deeply invested in. Yet, at this point, I feel I have no other choice.

I never set out a plan when I wrote this series; I simply wrote whatever I felt like writing, published it, and edited it later. This shows– the plot is inconsistent and the foreshadowing is downright abysmal. Most of this series I find to be terrible, cringe-worthy, and an absolute embarrassment to my writing skills.

However, for about the first year or so, I was in love with it. This was the longest time I had ever been able to focus on one coherent project, and it was the first time something was actually coming out of it. Unfortunately, sometime around then, after that first year, all of the love and care that had gone into the 'Blood Drops' series completely dissipated. I had no plan, didn't know what to write, was incredibly inexperienced, and I just didn't have a world within my story.

I'd always had a sort of idea of what I wanted the over-arching plot of the series to be, but when it came down to really writing it, I didn't even know where to start. My mind was blank. Over and over again, I tried to plot it out and write it down and think very, very hard. But I was getting nowhere. I managed to push out some chapters, but it was nothing compared to before, and my heart wasn't in it.

In the end, I kinda just left it sitting, thinking about it often but never really being able to write something on it. And then now, I had the realisation that I had to give up. Most likely, I won't continue with this story, and I should be honest about that.

I truly, truly, apologise for doing this. The best I can do for you is to semi-line out my ideas for what would have/could have happened in this final book: here you have it.

• Rose turns out to be Felicia's half-sister, sharing the same mother. Their mother Annelise accidentally met a dangerous and powerful witch at age 15, who took an interest in her and manipulated her brain with his magic– that's why she started disappearing for short periods of time. Eventually, he full-on kidnapped her and she became pregnant with his child. She ran away, gave the child up for adoption, and returned back to the human world at age 17, deeply changed after all she had seen/gone through and how badly the witch had warped her mind. It was also this witch who murdered her family in attempt to make her cooperate. She tried her best to cover it up, but never had time to finish as he came back for her and kidnapped her only a few hours after the murders.

• Rose (whose actual name is Madeleine, same as Felicia's middle name) is not only Felicia's half-sister, but has also been staying in the castle, disguised as Lily, the slave girl Braith "broke" in the second book. She's been plotting with Damien for months, and her main goal is to, basically, cause chaos. She's a very Moriarty-inspired villain, who, unlike Rebekah, doesn't have a motive fueled by emotion; she just wants to cause chaos and ruin lives, all because she's bored.

• Speaking of Rebekah, I of course had a redemption arc in mind for her. She was never actually cemented as a villain in the previous books, but our main characters did treat her as one. Really she's nothing more than a hurt young woman in a lot of pain, and in the end the plan for her was always to become one of the protagonists and help defeat Rose/Madeleine/Lily.

• Imogen, Camilla, and Maddie were all going to be killed off, obviously by Rose's hand. Others were meant to die as well, but these are really the only important protagonists that were going perish.

As for what was to happen to the characters in the end, as shown in the (very lengthy) epilogue:

• Felicia's father was also going to die, but I think I was gonna do it as more of an off-screen, at-the-end-of-the-book type of thing. I never quite decided whether Felicia should remain innocent and kind (giving him respect, kindness, etc after his death) or whether the end should show her as a hardened woman rather than the young girl she once was (more of a spit-on-his-grave type of reaction).

• I never quite decided what to do with Damien's character, but I had no plans to kill him off. Most likely, he would be banished or something along those lines.

• Felicia and Braith were to start with a tentative relationship at the end of the book; in the epilogue, they would be married, with children, etc. They would name one of them Imogen in honour of Braith's passed-away sister.

• Rosie and Alex's relationship was to survive, despite Camilla's death. They were going to get a happily ever after, etc.

• Tristan was to end up joining up with Meaghan's adoptive brother Logan (remember him? Yeah, me neither; whoops). Logan and his boyfriend Reed were going to have become part of a werewolf pack that wants to integrate into society, and Tristan, feeling lost after the death of Maddie, was to decide to join them. This way he could still keep in contact with his supernatural friends, while still feeling like he could rebuild his life and move on.

• Logan, after hearing about Meaghan and Amara's relationship through Tristan, Felicia, Rosie, and Alex, was going to spend a lot of his spare time hunting down Amara, who fled when the werewolves lost the battle to the vampires.

• Chloe was going to tire of castle life and acting like a perfect happy princess, and instead go to live like a commoner with Tristan, Logan, Reed, and the pack. There was a possible romantic plot between her and Tristan, but that was never completely decided.

That is all I can think of right now, but I will add to this chapter if I think of anything else; also feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments, and I will answer them to the best of my abilities.

Yet again, I truly apologise for this whole mess, and I'm sorry it had to end this way.


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