EPS.7 Just a ordinary day..

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Alex's POV
Well i decided to go for icecream bc well yah knoww so I called the twins downstairs
'Eth, wannd  go out for ice cream?? Ava was begging me like weeks b4'  i smiled

'oh yeah of course!' he smiles with joy

'Hey..??? im your boyfriend?! u should ask me first!!' he said pouting

'yeesshh... Gray slow ur butt down.. He was the first one to come down when i called u guys down'  i said

'Ugh fine u win'

'Hey?!!!! did some1 said ice cream?!?!?!?!' Ava said from the edge of the stairs

'oh yeah!! uh huh oh yeah uh huh'  Ava chanted while going downstairs dancing while me and the boys are staring at her like 'we dont even know her' look.

'Watcha lookin at my ass?? u better  not or ur face is going to the toilet bowl' she says with sass.

'uh hell nah' i replied.

'you know sis?? the boys can already tell which twin is which' i smirked

'rlly? how' she asks confused

'1st your the weirder twin 2nd im smarter 3rd i give my boyfriend more cuddles... So yeahhh' i smiled with winking at her.

'ok.. Wanna play like that hun? ok. 1st your uglier 2nd im sexier 3rd i give my boyfiend infinity times more hugs,cuddles,kisses'  She says

'Oh whoops. Mistake, oh please im a infinity times better than u.' ;)

'Ugh fine u win' she says upset. Then Eth&Gray said

'Well thats a wrap.. Thank for watching.. Peace!!!!!' they were filming all this time!!

'u guys were filming huh?! ehh idc. Lets just go get icecweam' i said

then we headed to the store and the twins took a selfie (picture above^^^)
the twins got strawberry ice cream with sprinkles on top while me and Ava got some cookies and cream with oreo cookies and sprinkles on top. Mmm so goodddd.

Then we headed back home. We cuddled with our bfs and fell asleep while watching Boss Baby then Grayson fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. Isnt he lovely? isnt he wonderful?? isnt he precious!? (IF U SANG THAT WELL... I ❤ u)
I was like selfie with the most cutest twin everrr

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