Chapter One

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Chapter One.

"Kim  Sejeong wake up already!" The young woman sleeping in the couch got startled that she almost fell on the floor. Her brother is already up and preparing for breakfast. Sejeong got up with her bare face in sad grin. 

"Kim Sejeong. I told you to wake up alrea--" her brother stopped when she saw Sejeong just got up from the couch and fixing her things. She's been up all night working on her reserch and project in school. She's been stressing out lately that Jaehwan find her sleeping in the couch or in the kitchen counter. 

"Good Morning Oppa." She happily greeted her brother. Despite the stress and all, she still finds herself happy with her life. 

"Yah Kim Sejeong!" Jaehwan shouted out loud, "Why did stayed up late at night. How many times I told you to get a proper sleep. I promised Eomma to take care of you and you aren't cooperating." He added, almost scolded the young lady. 

"Oppa~ I will be fine. I am perfectly fine and you don't have to worry about me." She replied with a smile plastered on her face. She walked towards the kitchen counter to have some breakfast. 

Jaehwan can't believe her younger sister is still okay with all those mind dtressing projects in school. He walked towards the kitchen counter and gave her a glass of orange juice. He doesn't have any schedules today so he'll drop Sejeong in school. 

"Oppa~ Your sandwhich is the best. Can I bring some for snacks?" Sejeong asked while pouting her lips. Jaehwan ignored her and turned around to find some bag to put Sejeong's snack. 

"Oppa~ Please? I want to eat." The young lady whined to her brother. Jaehwan is easily annoyed so he had no choice to but to shut her sister's mouth by giving her a mouthful of sandwhich, "Arraseo Sejong-sshi. Just take a shower and I will prepare your snacks." Jaehwan finally replied.

Sejeong gave her brother a big thumbs up and after finishing her meal, she made her way to her room to take a bath and get ready for school. She is always excited for school because she gets to se her friends and she likes school. She is an art student and would always sings in competitions like her brother who is also a good singer.

"Oppa. I'm ready for school.'' Sejeong called out his brother. Just then Jaehwan got out from his room also getting ready to sccompany her sister to school. He would also drop by Eugion's cafe to pay her friends a visit. 

"Here is your snacks. I'll be visiting Daniel's cafe. Would you want to eat there when school's dismiss?" he asked her sister. Without hesitation, Sejeong said yes. She knows that her brothers good friend is the owner of the cafe and she always wanted to meet her brother's friends. 


The ring of the bell startled Sejeong. They were in the middle of discussion in history class when the bell for dismissal rang loudly. The teacher had no chice but to end the discussion and continue it the next meeting. 

"Class dismiss!" The teacher finally said and the students exclaimed for joy. The classroom was filled with laughter and distinct chic chats from the students. Sejeong on the other hand was excited to visit the cafe. Jaehwan texted her that he'd be waiting in the parking lot for her. So as soon as Sejeong received the message, she immediately ran towards the exit and find her way to the parking lot. 

Without noticing, she suddenly tripped of and fell out of balance. Without hesitation she got up without noticing her bleeding knee and ran to meet her brother. She was so excited to meet her brother and his friends.

"Oppa~" She shouted with joy. Jaehwan who was with Daniel beside him turned around to see her sister. But his eyebrows furrowed when she saw Sejeong tripped off for the second time around and this time she was no longer able to stand up.

With a flash of light, Jaewhan and Daniel was already carrying Sejeong from where she tripped off. They let her sit down in a vacant bench by the mini stop and checked if she was alright. 

"Oppa~ It hurts." Sejeong finally said, like a baby whining in sadness.

"Yah? Gwenchana?" Jaehwan leaned down and closer to see her bleeding knees. Daniel, on the other hadn was thinking what he could help. Sejeong was almost crying because of the pain she is feeling. It's like having a big scratch on her knee but it stings a lot. 

"Wait here, I'll buy some medicine to heal that. Okay?" Without having any further business, Jaehwan ran to find a pharmacy and buy something to stop the bleeding. He almost forgot he was with Daniel. 

Sejeong was already tearing up because of the pain. Daniel was hesitating. He was thinking if he'd talk to Sejeong or not.

"Uh, hey. It's okay, it'll be fine. Your brother will be here anytime. Okay?" he says, giving the young lady a reassuring smile. He patted her head and took asit beside her. 

"Kamsahamnida, Oppa~" she says, standing giving a ninety degree bow and sat down. Their was a moment of siolence between the two individual sitting. Daniel can still hear Sejeong quite sobs beside him. 

"By the way, I'm Kang Daniel. I'm a friend of Jaehwan. You must be Sejeong-sshi?" he said to break the silence. Jaehwan talks a lot to the boys about his little sister who study at YMC Art School. 

"Neh. I am Sejeong. Nice to meet you." She replied. 

Sejeong was being honest all the time with Jaehwan about what she feels about a guy. She was always awkward that's why she is always rejected and dumped by her crushes. She always feel that she's awkward and plain to talk to. Now that she is with Daniel, she doesn't what to say. 

At one moment, Jaehwan was fast approaching towards her sister. Sejeong wiped away her tears when she saw her brother. he was always reliable and took care of her since they were kids. 

"Yah? Gwenchana? Does it sting a lot? Mianhayeo. It took me so long to buy these," letting her sister look at the plastic filled with medicines to heal her wound. She was happy enough to see Jaehwn taking care of her. 


Euigeon Sweet Cafe

"We'll have chocolate cake and strawberry shake." Jaehwan says to Daniel. He's in the counter paying for his order. Daniel, on the other hand is in the counter assisting Seongwoo and other with the customer's order.

The boys just arrived in the cafe to work. They were late for today's shift and Jaehwan was willing to help but Daniel insisted that he should accompany his sister. Sejeong is still recovering from pain and from Daniel's view, he could see Sejeong at the table waiting fro her brother while reading a book.

"Hyung, is she your sisiter?" Seungwoo at the counter, asked.

"Hyung, she is so pretty. How come you're not." Daewhi and Jinyoung joked. Jaehwan, the psychopath, almost spunked the younger boys with his bare hands. Good thing they ran towards Daniel. 

"Yah! I'm handsome like my sister. It's just she's a lot prettier and gets prettier every single day." Jaehwan says in return. 

"What's her name, hyung?" Seungwoo asked again. Jaehwan could almost feel that the boys are interested with her sister. 

"Yah! Do you like my sister?" Jaehwan asked Seongwoo, and the boy nodded in response, "She's pretty, like me." Seungwoo said, sounding like a joke. 

Sejeong really is beautiful. Daniel was attracted and he couldn't avoid looking at her. But he can't tell Jaehwan about it. Jaehwan is overly prtective of his sister and he won't let a single fly come over her skin. Daniel could see the worry in his eyes when she saw her sister tripped off earlier ago. 

"Hyung, we were just joking." Seungwoo said. 

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