2. Halloween

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The six kids planned on meeting in the haunted house near Millie's house at 6 pm.
Sadie was dressed as a girl version of Captain America, Millie was dressed as the old version of Harley Quinn, Gaten was dressed as the Joker, Noah was dressed as The Flash, Finn was dressed as whoopee cushion and Caleb wasn't there yet.

-After taking pictures and waiting a few minutes for Caleb, he still wasn't there.-

Finn: Where could he be?
Noah: I think he had a comic Con today, maybe that's why he is coming late.
Sadie: Should we wait?
Gaten: No, let's go!

They got in the haunted house. It had quality scary decorations that made Millie and Noah get scared. But holding each other's hands they took courage and walked through it.

Sadie and Finn were a bit scared too, but not as much as the youngest two. Gaten wasn't scared at all, he never got scared.

Sadie was looking at the walls full of blood and spider webs while she was laughing at Millie's screams.

Sadie: Millie stop screaming, it's fake see?

Suddenly Sadie screams, it was Caleb, he came from behind and put his hands on her red hair.
Everyone started laughing.

Sadie: Caleb! You scared me!

Sadie said with her sweet voice making Caleb feel bad for what he did. Caleb apologized with a hug.

-After the haunted house they went treak or treating.-

Caleb wasn't dressed, he didn't have any time to put his costume on.

They have been on eight doors already and they were recognized in four of them. People were asking for pictures with them, they loved taking pictures with fans but they also wanted to have a good Halloween night as "normal humans".

Caleb: What if we go to Millie's house and watch scary movies?
Millie: No scary movies! Please no!
Finn: But it's Halloween!
Gaten: Come on Millie

-Long minutes trying to convince Millie passed.-

She agreed in watching a few "not very scary". Gaten didn't respect that, he put the scariest movies he could find. He loved joke bothering his friends.

They were sitting in a large couch, from left to right Gaten, Caleb, Sadie, Millie, Noah, Finn and Charlie, Millie's brother. Ava, Millie's little sister, was hiding behind the couch, she wanted to have fun with the others but she was scared of watching the movie.

Charlie: Millie bring food.
Millie: MIllIe BriNg FOod

Millie made fun of Charlie.

Charlie: Exactly, bring food.

Millie got up and remembered about Sadie, she had no clue what she could eat.

Millie: Sadie can you help me out? I don't know what I have for you.

Sadie nodded and got up.

-They got back from the kitchen-

Millie had a bunch of Halloween cookies and Sadie had a bunch of Clif bars.
The cookies went away really fast. Sadie was the only one eating Clif bars so there were a lot left.

Noah: I want one!

Noah said getting one out of Sadie's hands.

-30 minutes into the movie-

Millie: This movie isn't scary at all!

Millie said with a brave tone. Gaten laughed.

Finn: Shit gaten what was that.

Everyone started freaking out.

When the first jumpscare happened, everyone jumped, but Gaten obviously. Sadie curled up on Caleb's arm, he was trying to seem brave and put his hand around her shoulder.

Caleb: Aww Sewdie got scared.
Sadie: Sewdie?
Caleb: that's your new nickname.
Finn: I like vegan Annie better.

Sadie rolled her eyes, and sat up next to Caleb again. She was having so much fun.

Minutes later Sadie was curled up on Caleb again. He wasn't complaining, he liked being friends with girls, especially pretty ones.

The night went pass really fast. Gaten was asleep on the floor, he had been kicked out of the couch for laughing at the others. Sadie fell asleep on Caleb's shoulder and he fall asleep on her head. Millie went to sleep to her bedroom, there was no way she was sleeping in that uncomfortable couch. Noah and Finn were in the same position as Caleb and Sadie.

And that was the end of the night for the kids.

I wrote half of this chapter a while ago but I didn't finish it because of school, but now that I'm in summer holidays I can write more 😂

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