Chapter 4/ Tacos With Tom

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"Call mom," Star commanded her magic mirror.

Moon appeared at the other end of the mirror in the same blue attire and hairstyle. Her hands were neatly folded in front and she stood poised.

"Hello Star," her mother greeted.

"Hey mom," Star replied quietly.
"When is the wedding?"

"Have you changed your mind about all this?" Moon slightly tilted her head.

"I didn't say that. It's not like I have a choice anyway."

Star took a strand of her blonde hair and started twirling it around her finger. She was nervous and the Queen stared sympathetically at her daughter.

"Be at the castle on Friday morning. The wedding is in the afternoon," was all Moon could say.

The Queen wanted to comfort her daughter and hold her tightly, but even if she were right by Star's side, she would only pull away. Moon knew how stressed Star was and it was her fault she is in this situation. She didn't know how to fix it and was torn between her daughter's happiness and the kingdom itself.

Star said nothing else, but only nodded and hung up the call.


When school was over that day, Star locked herself in her room once again and slept her problems away. She woke up at 6pm and Angie and Raphael still haven't arrived home from work. Her room was dark except for the moon and stars shining bright out her window. She noticed a red glowing light out her balcony. She squinted and saw a familiar carriage that looked like it belongs in the graveyard. Tom. The demon levitated out of the carriage with arms out and flames shooting out of the heels of his shoes. He landed perfectly on the ground, but Star looked unimpressed.

"What are you doing here? I'm already marrying you this weekened, what more do you want?" Star spat out.

"I'm treating you for dinner tonight," Tom said smoothly.

"Why? I don't want to go," Star sounded hostile.

After Tom finally stopped chasing after Star and let her be on her own, he was heartbroken. He still loved her and wanted her more than anything in the world. When the Butterfly family was going to allie with his family, he was filled with joy when he found out he had to marry Star. Tom knew this was his chance to change and be the better man he was before and treat Star like the queen she is.

It also occured to him that his princess is still attatched over her best friend, Marco. It bothered Tom that she may be in love with him. He envied that boy that Star saw as charming and fit for her.

"Look, I know you're not into this whole marriage thing," Tom started. "Let's not call this a date. Let me treat you out for dinner. We don't have to talk about the marriage if you don't want to."

Star huffed and glanced at Tom,
"You're going to pay?"

Tom nodded and Star mumbled something under her breath while stomping inside the carriage.


Star didn't want anything fancy for dinner to Tom's surprised. Instead, she was hoping to see Marco at the Taco Shop sharing a meal with Jackie. She was right. The soon-to-be married couple stepped out of their carriage, which got everyones attention. Marco glanced at Star and his eyes widened, but she took a quick glance and looked right back at fhe ground.

"Marco, what's wrong?" Jackie asked and she turned around.

"Nothing," he blushed. "Just that carriage is kind of freaking me out."

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