WeCantAllBePerfect... ugh... thanks a lot! Because of you I have been searching the internet for forever because of your suggestion. I was staring at the lead singer to Follow My Lead because I felt like I had seen him from somewhere. It turns out that this dude is Mattie Foxx. In case you don't know who that is, just look him up on youtube. He makes covers of songs. So there I was, rewatching his old covers and whatnot and I was wondering why I stopped looking him up. (-_- ) Well, I figured it out. In my One Direction review, I sort of explained how a fandom could turn me off to listening to an artist's music. In a few of his covers his little fans would comment their support and everything which is cool. Mattie is a good artist. But then you get those fans that are out of their minds. The ones that write stuff like, " Oh myy GAWD! He sings it better than *place original artist's name here*". Those people annoy me because in my head it takes away the props given to the original artist. Plus, it usually starts a fight on Youtube or wherever that ends in them bashing my beloved singers/ musicians. It isn't necessary and I would honestly prefer to listen to music minus the drama. Also, even though he is a really nice singer, once one of my favorite singers sings their song and they do it perfectly... there is no better way to sing it. Plus, one of the songs was Shadow Moses by BMTH. Haha... nope.
~Mattie Foxx- Vocals
~Niall Frell- Lead Guitar
~Robbie Thorne- Guitar
~Declan Graham- Bass
~William Woods- Drums
Song #1: Crestfallen
Erm, this song was good. I liked it. Hehe, Mattie's nose man... it's so angular. I love how the song comes on... how they look so dead in the face and then... I'VE ALWAYS SAID DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!!! lol... nice. Check it, love it, lick it, share it.
Song #2: ShadowalkerThis song has a very nice feel to it. But… that’s all I have to say, lol. I paid more attention to the video than the song so… yeah. Sorry.
Rating: 7 1/2

My Total Opinion (Music)
AléatoireMy opinions on your suggested bands and songs! Tell me what you think and send me bands/songs <3