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I hardly slept knowing the guy down the hall was wanting to end his life. I woke up at 9 before throwing my hair up and putting on my black t shirt dress with my baby pink bomber jacket paired with my ankle black stilettos. I walked down the hall and stood by the elevator. I waited two hours for him to leave his room, which I now know where it is.

"What are you doing?" He said looking at me like nothing happened.

"I'm coming with you today." I said smiling.

"No your not." He said walking past me into the elevator, I followed.

"Why not?"

"Because we aren't friends or talking or anything other than strangers."

"We could be friends though."

"No we couldn't."

"Whys that?"

"My friends aren't like you."

"We are strangers , you don't know who I am."

"Fine, come with me, but if you get a criminal record it's not my fault."

"It's fine, I already have one." I said smiling at him as he raised an eyebrow.
He got onto a black motorbike whilst holding out a helmet for me to put on.
"No way."

"What?" He responded.
"I'm not riding one of those again."
"Yeah my boyfriend has one, last time I was on it we got into a crash."
"Well you won't be crashing with me." He said smiling as I walked over being happy from him smiling. We sped off as I held tight on his back , squealing as we sped between cars and across train tracks.
"Squeeze me any tighter, I won't be able to breathe." He said laughing slightly.
"Sorrryyyyyy." I said as I loosened my arms around him. We came to what looked like an old gas terminal or something. He parked up his bike and got off whilst reaching out a hand to help me get off.
"Thanks." I said as I took off my helmet and put it on the bike.
"For what?"
"I don't actually know..." I said giggling whilst he just shook his head and a smirk appeared on his face. Six boys were all sat against the half concrete wall , all incredibly good looking but Tae looked the best to me still. He walked over as I awkwardly followed.
"Tae, you ready to have some fun?" One of them stood up doing that man arm shake hug chest bump thingy. "So who's this?" He said looking over to me.
"Ryu Yuri." Tae said walking away to sit with the rest of the men.
"Kim Namjoon... Are you and Tae together?"
"Aha no." I said laughing whilst a smirk tugged on Namjoon's lips.
"Don't seem too offended by dating hyung." Another stood up before reaching out his hand. "Min Yoongi." He said whilst I shook his hand smiling. "Anyway what are you doing here?"
"To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing here."
"It's fine relax." Namjoon said signalling for me to sit down. I sat and Yoongi and Namjoon sat ever side of me. "This might help." He said handing me a beer.
"Thanks." I said before using my shoe to open the bottle.
"Hot." The one sat next to Tae said with a smirk. "Park Jimin."
"Ryu Yuri."
"Yuri, you think you could open my bottle like that?" One of them said looking younger than the rest.
"I guess?" I said as I reached across the circle and grabbed the bottle from him and again opened it using my shoe.
"Thanks, I'm Jeon Jungkook."
"Nice to meet you."
"Jung Hoseok." Another said reaching out his hand which I shook.
"Kim Seokjin." Another said whilst I shook his hand. Jungkook reached into his back pack and pulled out a blue tooth speaker before playing loud music.
"Tae, catch" Namjoon shouted whilst throwing something that looked like a cigarette but wasn't one... Oh my god it's drugs.
"Erm what is that?"
"A joint? You want one?"
"No she doesn't." Tae interrupted giving Namjoon a scowl.
"Chill." Namjoon replied back. "Here." He said as he passed me a can of red spray paint.
"You'll need it for when we cause traffic."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll see."
"Ooooo mysterious." I said giggling. "THIS IS MY JAM TURN IT UP!" I said all excited as the five bottles of beer I downed got to my head.
"YEPPERSSSSS!" I said laughing uncontrollably as jungkook turned it up.
"Come on then, Yuri." Jimin said standing up reaching out a hand. I grabbed his hand and stood up. "Ready?" He said with a smirk.
"Yup." I said as the rest watched amused.
"Right state your name cuz."
"Stormzy, init?"
"What we doin today?"
"Repping, init?"
"Yeah , fucking repping init."
"Yeah fire in the park,"
The rest of boys yelled " LETS GOOO!"
"Man try to say he better than me?" Jimin said with his arms out shrugging his shoulders like role play.
"Tell my man , shut up. Mention my name in your tweets?"
"Oi rude boy SHUT UP!" Jimin said laughing. We rapped through the entire song and at the end everyone was up yelling Shut up, even Tae. The next song was more of a dance type song so we all were jumping around in like a mini party of six. Tae was laughing and that was good enough for me.
"I LIKE YOUU!" Jungkook said pointing at me as I laughed at him.
"GOD, JUNGKOOK YOU GOT A CRUSH?" Jimin said laughing
"NO..." he said awkwardly whilst we all laughed.
"Ready to stop traffic?" seokjin said.
"What does that mean?"
"We wreck cars and shit and literally stop traffic , it's hilarious."
"Really?! With who?!"
"My brother."
"You want to invite him , for old times sake?"
"No he's probably busy." I said laughing slightly. "Anyway let's go!!!" I said getting excited as the rest yelled and picked up their bags and Namjoon gave me another bottle of beer. We ran down to a motorway tunnel as we stood in a line across it. Cars slowed down and stopped before they hit us. It was night time at this point after a day of drinking and jumping around. I climbed on top of the car the had stopped at us. I poured my beer down the windscreen and began to shake my can as the boys began climbing onto different cars. I sprayed over the windscreen and the Middle Aged man got out the car and began yelling at me.
"Oh shut up." I said as he began to dial the police on his phone. "Ugh." I said laughing. I jumped onto the next car at the same time as Tae. We both slammed into each other and I was about to fall backwards but he steadied me by holding my waist. I burst out laughing as he did as well.
"SHIT ITS THE POLICE!" Hoseok yelled as we all jumped off the car and ran.
"One sec! " I said as I took off my heels and stabbed one of them through the roof of the car before jumping off onto broken glass. Ok that hurt slightly... I just carried on running and eventually caught up with Tae and Namjoon as the lads separated off into different directions. Unluckily the police decided to want to chase us. We ran down a suspension bridge , whilst we turned around and pulled faces at the police. As we ran laughing our heads off. When we got to the other side of the bridge , more police were waiting at the other side.
"Shit." Namjoon said as the three of us stopped where we were and put our hands up in the air. The police behind us now caught up and pushed us against the police car as they began to cuff us. Me , Tae and Namjoon were laughing as our faces were squished against the car. The police officer then opened the back door of the van and pushed us in as we all sat there, still laughing.
"That was too fun." Namjoon said.
"It was even funnier than the other times we did it."
"I think Yuri would be a nice member of the group." Namjoon said looking at me and smiling. "Anytime you want, come see us, a lot of the boys already love you." He said as I laughed slightly.
"What?" Tae said as his expression began to rest from a big smile.
"It was meant to be date night with my boyfriend... he's going to kill me."
"He's not your dad."
"No but he cares about me, I don't want to upset him." I said looking at my hands as I played with my thumbs. The van stopped and the doors opened. The police officer led us inside where we sat on the plastic chairs, we have a huge fine to pay and a criminal record has been added.
"Your boyfriend is on his way to collect you. He seems like a lovely man, must be embarrassing to have a girlfriend like you." The officer said before walking back behind the reception desk.
"Don't worry about it." Namjoon said giving me a smile. The door of the station flew open and there he was.

Tae's POV:
A tall man , who looked well in shape and had perfect black hair stormed into the station. Yuri looked up at the sound and her eyes averted from the mans straight away. The man was good looking but to be honest she could do better. He walked over and Yuri straight away stood up.
"I'm so sor-" she began as her hand reached for his face. He grabbed her wrist as her hand tensed up, her face went slightly pale as he pulled her towards him so his face was in hers.
"Not only did you forget about me , but you didn't come because of other men?"
"Justin , your hurting me." She said as he squeezed her wrist harder.
"Look how short your dress is... you look like a whore." My blood was boiling and Namjoon sat up as we connected eyes in concern.
"I said I'm sorry."
"That's not going to help you now, is it?"
"What else can I do?"
"Be a good girlfriend , like you should? You don't deserve me." He said as he threw her away using his power on her wrist. She rubbed her red wrist slightly before going after him, where he turned around in the middle of the station. "It's over."
"No, please. I won't do it again, I promise."
"It's not good enough."
"Justin please."
"Fine but never see them again." He said looking at us with his light brown eyes as the black earring in his ear shined in the white light. She looked at the floor. "Your choosing them over me?"
"Fine. I won't see them again."
"I love you." He said as he pulled her close to him. She didn't move though , she didn't return the hug just stood there in his arms. He let go of her and walked out the station, as she followed him like a lost dog. Her feet were bleeding, as she limped out. I got up and walked towards her.
"Do you want help?"
"Thanks." She said as I lifted her up with my arm around her. I walked over to what I assumed was her boyfriends car. I opened the door for her as she got in.
"What did I just say?" He said to her as she buckled in with the door still open.
"It's my fault, her feet were bleeding so I helped her that's all."
"Great blood all over my car."
"Thanks, Tae." She said ignoring her obnoxious boyfriend.
"Bye, Yuri." I said as she slowly closed the door and her boyfriend drove away. I walked back inside the station, and sat next to Namjoon.
"That's not a good relationship." He said in the silence.
"I know."
"He manipulated her right in front of us and threatened to leave to get what he wanted as well as being threatening towards her... no wonder she was so scared in the van."
"Not our problem."
"Man, she's an amazing girl, she doesn't deserve that."
"I'm gonna go."
"See you soon." Namjoon said as I left the station.

I left the elevator and was about to turn right before I saw Yuri and her boyfriend going the other way. She was still following behind him with a slight limp from her feet, but he didn't seem to care. For some reason I followed them until they went into her apartment. At least I know where she lives now... They left the door slightly ajar and I could see right through to their living room. He was looking out of the window whilst she stood up straight behind him with her hands holding each other in front of her stomach.
My eyes widened and my blood boiled when he turned around and his palm met her cheek. She stood still looking to the side from the slap.
"How many times do I have to warn you?"
"I shouldn't have to be warned."
"You obviously do, how are you ever going to be a wife whilst being the way you are."
"I'd be a wife to someone who actually loves me." She said not scared despite the size of him. I was confused to say the least, why is she with him?
"This is what your brother wanted not me."
"Then leave."
"And betray my best friend? No."
"I don't want to be with you. I'm only here because of my brother."
"Your ungrateful." He said as he squeezed her face. She pushed him away and walked backwards slightly but he already had his hand on her neck. He towered above her as he lifted her up slightly by her neck.
"I said I'm sorry." She said almost desperate sounding. His fist raised in the air. I would of ran in and stopped him and showed him an equal fight but my feet were glued to the floor. If I did that I could make things worst for her... I could make her ruin this brother deal or whatever. His fist crashed down onto her as she fell on the floor.
"See you, Yuri." He said as he picked up his jacket from the couch. I turned around with my hood up and began walking back towards my apartment.

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