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I woke up to a pounding head ache from the night before. The alarm read ten am so we had already missed the breakfast, I then noticed after waking up a bit more... A mans arm was around my waist. I slowly turned around knowing it was Tae, and he ended up cuddling into my collar bone area... I yawned and then shoved his hand off of me after waking up even more and realising I have a boyfriend, that's not him.
"Tae wake up, we already missed the breakfast."
"Hmmmm." He said slowly waking up with his hair a mess and his face puffy.
"Come on get up. I'll be getting ready in the bathroom so you better be up."I said as I walked away to the bathroom. I got changed into a white turtle neck with ripped blue jeans that fitted like a glove and a pair of black boots. I put on my yellow bubble coat as it looked dreary outside. I kept my hair up in a messy bun and put on natural makeup except for my eyes with the usual big lashes. I slowly walked out the bathroom as to give him warning but he was already changed in his black jeans and a cream Sherlock Holmes style jacket, he wore a beanie with it also...
"Don't you look cute and nerdy today?" I said standing against the wall between the bathroom and main room.
"Sorry, did you say I'm looking cute?"
"No I said your looking nerdy."
"Nope I heard cute."
"You're mistaken." I said scratching the back of my head as he chuckled.
"What's the plans for today then,oh great one?" He said sarcastically.
"I actually don't know..."
"I actually came up with an idea."
"Oooo, what is it?!" I said with my eyes wide. He gave me a side smile before continuing.
"You'll see when we get there."
"Fam, I'm shook." I said standing there.
"Never say that again." He said shaking his head chuckling to himself. "Come on then." He said signalling for me to follow him, and I did.

"Tae, we have gone almost out of Seoul... where are we going?" I said as I rubbed my hands together to stay warm.
"Somewhere out side of Seoul."
"If you're gonna kill me , just know I will haunt you and pull out your chair every time you go to sit down."
"I'm so scared. And no I'm not going to kill you... We just need to go up that hill there." He said pointing ahead of us to a medium sized hill.
"Whyyyyyyy? Why would you make me go up a hill?"
"You'll see, and if you don't shut up complaining, I will kill you."
"Oh shut up, you'd miss me." I said as we continued climbing up the hill. He held out his hand as I went over a slippery rock that was in the ground.
"We've known each other a week... I won't miss you."
"Yeah but you've gotten to know me a lot more than my close friends have... Time isn't what measures a relationship it's what keeps us on the dead line."
"I probably would miss you a little bit..."
"Awww really?!" I said now running next to him.
"No." He said before carrying on walking ahead of me.
"That was just harsh." I said giggling.
"Whatever..." I mimicked.
"Really? Your such a child."
"At heart, I am a true to myself child."
"Weirdo."  He said as I stuck my tongue out. The rest of the walk up was spent just messing about and arguing.
Tae reached out his hand as he pulled me up to the top. He then walked and dragged me behind him by my hand. We stopped in front of what looked like an old shrine type thing.
"Tae... What are we doing here?"
"It's a communication shrine."
"Please, stop with the detail." I said rolling my eyes.
"Hello?" An old man said coming out of the shrine. Me and Tae bowed before returning the greeting.
"Are you here for a blessing on your love?"
"No, no, no, no." Me and Tae both said waving our hands.
"We would like to communicate with family members."
"Ah... Come in." The old man said as he wandered off inside the shrine. Me and Tae followed whilst I was extremely confused.
Tae's POV:
Yuri looked around the shrine with her eyes as her head stayed facing the man, whilst the old man brought the mats and incense.
"Tae what's going on?"
"You'll see." I said before looking back to the old man, but I could still see her as she fiddled with her thumbs, like she does when she's unsure.
"Who's going first?"
"Me please." I said standing forward.
"Who is it you're speaking to?
"My mother and sister."
"You know how it works." The old man said before walking behind me next to Yuri.
"Tae what's happening?"
"Shh... The communication is starting." The man said to her. I tied my hands together as I rested my forehead onto them.
"It's me again... I want to apologise for not making it on time, for letting you down and for being a son and a brother you wouldn't be proud of. I'm trying, to get through it, but it's always there in the back of my mind and when I'm alone you and sis are all I can see and hear... But your images are becoming more blurry. I'm scared I'm going to forget those warm eyes of yours sis and that smile of yours, mother. The smoke that devoured you, lays in my lungs because when I think of you I can't breathe... The pain hurts, and it's only just starting to stop. I miss you... Love you guys." I said as I held back the tears in my eyes.
"Tae, your mother and sister say they are proud of you no matter what. Your mother also mentioned marrying the girl that has her smile and your sisters eyes."
"The same message as always then."
"There's something else... Don't let the girl go, she's melting your heart." He said as I looked at Yuri and gulped. She's too innocent to know he means her... She always has been the one they meant.
"Yuri , do you understand now?" I asked as I stood up and she slowly nodded her head.
"Yuri, who would you like to communicate with?"
"My brother and mother please."
"Just follow what Tae did and then speak what you want to say."
"Ok, thank you." She said as she knelt down and put her hands together.
"How fresh is the death?" The man asked her.
"Three and Two years ago."
"Still fresh then... How did they die?"
"Cancer and suicide."
"When you are ready..." the man said.
"I feel stupid."
"Why?" I said as she undid her hands.
"I'm just kneeling here alone." She said sitting up. I walked over to the mat beside her and went into prayer position. She looked at me and gave me that smile that can warms me.
"Ok... Mum... Dad had a baby, I have a half brother. Erm..." she was being too shy because of us around her.
"Speak your heart." I whispered. She took a deep breath through her nose.
"Hey Mum, so I can still hear your laugh it rings in my ears... and I miss your smile but it is what keeps me smiling. Kody, you always said you were  meant to be the one to beat up the boys that broke my heart...  But your the boy that broke my heart the most. You both left a scar on my heart, and it won't heal." I was glancing at her from the side as she spoke now with her eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe I didn't deserve you. I didn't deserve the mum that would rock me after dad came home drunk or a brother that would stand in front of me when dads  fists clenched. And mum, I'm sorry I couldn't cure you... You said I was an answer to your prayers but what prayer am I as to not save the woman who loved me most... I couldn't cure you. Kody, they told me I didn't hurt you, but why did you choose to leave? I wasn't good enough, was I? Because if I was I would of been what kept you here but instead you left. You jumped off of that bridge into that freezing cold water that tore my life apart, and you know what? I spit in that water... Because it's what washed all I had away. And why say you would look after me before mum died and then run away to a place I will only go once my time is done. And Mum, every girl needs a mother... and Damn it I need you every single day. I can't cook like you did , I can't hug like you could , and I can't comfort myself like you could. Even better news for you Kody, Justin hates me...  He isn't wanting to marry me or have me , I'm there for his entertainment. Is that how you planned it?! Did you plan, you would leave me with your best friend who would raise his fist at me like dad? Did you plan to not be there to stand in front of me?" I looked over at her as her emotions leaked from her mouth like the tears that now flowed from hers eyes down her cheeks. Her breath was getting more shaky. "Mum, are you proud that I am staying with a boy because of your son? Because you should be... he's showing me what I deserve. I didn't deserve you, or Kody that's- that is  why your g-one and I'm finally left with what I deserve... I'm sorry for not being a good daughter or sister, I'm sorry for not being good enough , I'm sorry for not being the prayer you expected. But Kody, why did you do it? You didn't leave a letter... you left nothing! And it's because it was me wasn't it? It was me who drove you to the edge because I'm just a burden and I'm too much to manage... and you didn't want to tell me because you wanted to leave me stranded on an island of hell, I don't understand... I- I just di-didn't deserve you did I? Fucking hell, you left me broken. I still can't breathe."She said crying uncontrollably. I placed my hand on her shoulder. She still felt warm , but her shoulder was tense as she just cried.
"Yuri , you don't have to say anything else." I said trying to comfort her. But it's hard to comfort someone who doesn't show how broken they really are until that unexpected moment. I thought it would be nice for her to tell her mother and brother that she loved them but she blames herself for everything.  I crawled to in front of her and pulled her into my chest and held her tight as she sobbed.
"Sorry." She said pushing herself off of me and standing up. She wiped her own face as she caught her breath.
"Yuri , it's ok to be sad."
"I'm not sad! That was just getting what I thought when they first died off of my chest. I'm fine now."
"Yuri your not fin-"
"Tae." She said smiling.
"They didn't reply." The man said. Yuri started laughing.
"Oh well." She said smiling. "I need some air." She said before walking out the door. I was about to walk after her before the old man stopped me.
"They did reply... I can't tell her what they said."
"What did they say?"
"Her mother said, She didn't want to be cured. And her brother said I left you nothing because that's me"He said as we both watched as she sat down on the edge of the hill in the rain.
"Thank you."
"Another thing your mother and sister said... Yuri is a keeper." I chuckled at what he said before giving him money as a tip and walking out side to Yuri. I ran up behind her and picked her up dangling her over the edge of the slate rock she sat on.
"What's the magic word?"
"Incorrect." I said as pretended to drop her but held her tight.
"Fine, please put me down?" She said as I put her back down on the ground.
"God why were you dangling from the edge of that?"
"Real funny Tae." She said as she walked backwards.
"Yuri watch out!" I said as her foot slipped and she fell. My heart dropped and sunk to my stomach, I quickly reached out to grab her but missed. She fell... "Yuri?!" I yelled as a huge lump appeared in my throat. I looked over the edge to see her standing on a ledge under the stone. She was laughing so hard as I pulled her up. She couldn't even stand she was laughing that much as the clouds parted and the sun started to peep through. She let out a little snort every now and then and I joined her in a huge laughing fit. We both sat there laughing and laughing and laughing and when we calmed down a smile was still plastered on our faces.
"That was so funny, you really would miss me I could tell from the worry on your face you almost cried." She said giggling.
"Shut up." I said looking away from her.
"Thank you."
"For what?" I asked.
"You just know how to cheer me up."
"You cheered me up the moment you helped me in that fight." I said as I stood up and offered her a hand to stand up. "I heard there's good nightclubs in Seoul..."
"Guess we should see if it's true then huh?"
"We sure should."
"But we have to leave the hotel in the morning."
"It's fine, we can handle a hangover."I smiled but I didn't want this weekend to end... She has this bright glow that shines and lights me up even though I felt so dark before.
"Can we go back and get ready?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, come on." I said as I started going down the hill as I helped her over some rocks.

Yuri POV:
"Taeeee I have nothing to wear!" I said coming out the bathroom. Whilst he stood there in just jeans.
"You could at least warn me." He said as he began putting a top on over his head. His biceps flexing showing his muscular frame.
"I know! Can I borrow one of your jumpers?"
"Which colour?"
"Any will do." I said as he tossed me his grey jumper. "Thank youuuu."
"Yep, don't be too long."
"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes as he began jelling his hair. I threw on the jumper and left my hair down in loose waves and did natural makeup with winged liner. I put my thigh high boots on and I was ready to go.
"Yuri, you almost ready?"
"Yep." I said as I walked out the bathroom. Tae stood with his hair in his usual cut and a tight white shirt that showed his muscles. "Let's go slow coach." I said trying to annoy him as I wandered past him down the hall whilst he caught up. "Oooo you smell nice." I said as I smelt the air around him.
"David Beckham. You don't smell to bad to be fair."
"Mines called... hygiene." I said as we both laughed slightly before getting into a taxi for the time of of our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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