second chapter(finally letting go)

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last night was a blast

we ate a lot

but last night?

i already let him go

i told myself that

i have to move on 


enough of this nonsence

 i can't fall for one guy, and then just fall for him forever, 

he has jenna now so,,,,,,

it must be a good bye.

"hey, ethan! wake up, you'll be late for your date."

"please call jenna, tell her i'll pick her up dinner, i'm really tired.'

then he slept again

this is what i hate everytime he stays for the night here at my place.

and so i called her

"hey babe where are you?" jena

"jena, krishna here i-"

"what?! why are you holding ethan's phone?!"


smells like trouble

"before anything else comes into your mind, ethan's still sleeping. he spend the night here cause i needed his help about something and since it's too late for him to go, i let him stay."

'oh, i see, i shouldn't be questioning you're the bestfriend." she said

sounds like a very understanding fiance huh

"why did you call.?" she asked me

"ethan said he will pick you up for dinner later."

"is that it? i've got a lot of work to do."

"yes jenna, and jenna, i wanted you to know that you don't have to worry about me . i am just his bestfriend and nothing more, he loves you so much and he would never hurt you."

"i know krishna, i have to hang up thanks and goodbye."

arg what a b*tch

she must be thankful that ethan loves her.


this is my day one for operation moving on

but first

i have to get ethan the hell out of my house.....

"wake up buddy, you have a dinner date to prepare."

"later, my head hurts bad."

"ethan you have to go, i have a date."

finally he's awake

"again with the alibi ina, i know you don't have any date." he said as he headed to the bathroom

"actually i do, well micheal's back in town and he happened to find me."

i'm telling the truth 


he's taking a shower

i am talking to him and he just took a shower

just great

few minutes later........

"michael? your high school sweetheart?" mocking

"stop ethan, he's cute." smile

"and you're smiling now, i missed that ina. then i guess i'll have to accept michael."

falling,,,,,,   apart,,,,,on holdWhere stories live. Discover now