Now lets move on to the FWB (Friends With Benefits). Okay now i could possibly understand that their lonely and just want to have the feeling of being wanted.... but then you got these stupid people that think "Oh lets just go and have sex, and get crazily stupid. I mean seriously do you not have enough respect for your own body and for the other person to know that its not right! I mean sex is really not something you need to have so that you can be happy. Sure you want to be in the crowd and all, or be cool because everyone is doing it, and say "Oh i've done that before". But really, Really its not something you need to do at the moment. Its pretty stupid and selfish that you would even think its okay to do that kind of stuff for fun. Lets keep it real, don't do that kind of stuff. Because you wouldn't even be ready for anything if something happened. So honestly save it for that special someone.

    Okay but if your just with someone to feel wanted because your lonely. I can understand that, and i support people like that. because i've done it before and it really helps you get through something that has happened to you like a breakup. But some advice make sure its  friend so you can tell them what your going through and it won't be akward when you hold each other, comfort eachother, or make eachother forget about the problems your going through. And honestly it does work, I have to say it helps. But don't: I repeat don't forget about them once its over, its just wrong and not cool. Because you make them feel so wanted, just like i said don't play with someones feelings. I mean come one you both just went through a rough time . And your just going to forget what they did for you, helping you mask the pain of being all alone. It takes some real people to help you get over stuff like that.

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