New roomates

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A/N I decided to change up Natsu's personality a bit. He'll be happy on the outside, but it's just a mask of deceit, on the inside, all he feels is sadness.
After all the classes I decided to stay a little later after school, and, just think about why I exsist, should I change, and, be a ball of happieness? Or should he stay the same? I can be both actually.

I'll just wear a mask of deceit, I'll say I was just in a grumpy mood, that's all, I'll fool all of them. It's better than getting pestered by a bunch of questions like, are you ok? Do you wanna talk about it? Do I look like I want your help? No.

I just want you to leave me alone, leave me to wallow in my sadness. "Natsu? It's about time for you to go home." My homeroom teacher informed me. "Oh, gomensosai." I apoligize quickly, and, I exit the room.

"What time is it?" I look at the clock, that was hanging on the wall. "Shit! It's already 6:00!" I cursed out loud. "Agh! And, I have homework!" I started sprinting all the way home. I made it home at, 6:05, in five minutes, new record.

I opened my front door, to see it unlocked. "Huh? I swear I locked it this morning." I murmured. "C'mon man! You have to be kidding me! They don't have any booze! Why the hell does this person live alone!" I heard a familiar voice call out.

"Keep it down idiot! I didn't want to do this from the start! So keep your voice down!" I used my skills to sneak without making a single noise. "Wait, I smell someone." A unfamiliar voice called out. "Oh, I'm catching on now." Another familiar voice agreed. "Um..... You know breaking, and, entering is illegal, right?"

I stare at the trio. "Gah! What the fuck man!" "I should be yelling that right now." I roll my eyes at him. "Wait! Natsu-San?" When I got a good look at 'im, it was Sting. "Sting? Gray? What the fuck is going on?" What was Gray, and, Sting doing in my house?

And, to add to that, another person that I don't know is in my house. "Who the hell are you?" I asked the last guy of the trio. "Ryos, but call me Rogue." I nod in response, good he's not cocky. "Oh, and, by the way, get the fuck out of my house, you piece of shit!"

I grabbed a broom, and, started to swing it vicously. "Gah! Hurry, run!" Gray shouted. "Don't come back!" I shout at them. "*sigh* I'm starting to wonder if I should get a dorm or not.

•Time Skip•

It was the next day now, I'm moving into a dorm, since I don't want them braking into my house again. "Alright, let's see, dorm 123, wow, I'm pretty sure the headmaster wanted to make a joke."

"Yes! Found it!" After about an hour of walking around with boxes, I finally found it. "I have three other roomates, right?" I asked myself. I opened the door, to no one, but three other beds. "Okay, so, one likes video games, I point at the bed, second to last. "One likes to read," I point at the bed next to mine.

"And, one likes to, be messy." I point at the last bed. "Geez, I'm so glad I have the reader next to me." I sighed loudly. After a long time of cleaning, and, unpacking, I finally finished. Now I just have to wait for my roomates. 18:35 five minutes 'til curfew.

I heard laughing from on the other side of the door, and, footsteps. "And then, the waiter was like,-" Sting stopped short, as he eyed me in awe. "Welcome back, roomates."

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