
76 3 4

When Did You Joined Wattpad

July 13 2013 :)

What Made You Start To Write

I was honestly just bored and had a plot in mind so I went for it :)

Do You Have Anyone Or Not That Encouraged You To Show Your Work

Not really not SHOW my work, but my best friend, xxglitterfacexx, encouraged me to keep writing it.

Do You Consider Yourself A Famous Author

Nope, not at all.

If You Had Three Awesome Wishes What Would They Be

Oh my gosh, that's really hard...

1. That doctors would find a cure to cancer.

2. That nobody, young or old, will go hungry.

3. That I could have an endless supply of chocolate chips and one direction :3

If You Had Super Powers What Would They Be

The power to shoot sub sandwichs outta my elbow, cause that would be beyond cool.

Who Do You Give Credit To Your Writing

God. Always.

Last One, If You Where In A Deserted Island Who/What Would You Bring Or Have

I would bring my friend Alex and lots of pillows.

Favorite Song

it changes a lot, but at the moment You'll be in my heart from Tarzan

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