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1. When did you join Wattpad?

I made my 'beyondthetreeline' account on the 25th of March, 2012. I joined because a friend told me about the site.

2. What made you start to write?

I've liked writing since I was very young. I've always liked making up stories and imagining scenarios. I guess I just translated that to writing! In elementary school, I always loved it when we had to write stories.

3. Do you have anyone who encouraged you to show your work?

Not a lot of people know I write. I've only ever showed my stories to three of my friends. I guess they do encourage me to write, but I mostly do it for myself! I would probably go crazy if I didn't write.

4. Do you consider yourself a famous author?

No way!! I understand that I'm getting a lot more recognition than I used to (and I'm extremely grateful for that) but no, I do not consider myself famous.

5. If you had three awesome wishes, what would they be?

Hmm...I think one of my wishes would be for a pause button on life. Not so we would literally freeze, but so that things could slow down every once in a while and I could take a breather. I would also wish for money to lose some of its significance so people could live comfortable lives without worrying about it. And, assuming the previous wish didn't work out, I'd want to be rich!

6. If you had superpowers what would they be?

Invisibility, telekinesis, and maybe the ability to read minds.

7. If you were on a deserted island, who/what would you bring?

Music!! And also, Darryl from The Walking Dead, because he would most likely be able to figure out how to survive. And food. Food is essential.

8. Favorite Song?

Oooh, that's hard! It changes frequently, but right now, it's probably Shot At The Night by The Killers, or You Know What I Mean by The Cults.

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