Chapter 3

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As me and Dean left for Hogsmeade on Saturday morning, we caught many people giving us weird looks. No one really expected me to be with Dean, most of them knowing that I used to in love with Harry. I didn't really care though. I liked Dean. I had only been talking to him for 5 minutes and we were already laughing and flirting. I had a great time shopping with him, telling jokes, and talking about quidditch. Then we went to get some Butter beer. We grabbed a booth towards the back and ordered two drinks. We continued talking when something caught my eye. Across the room, I saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione sitting at table, all of them looking at Dean and I. I pretended not to notice. I saw Ron giving us a death glare and then I switched my eyes to look at Harry. Was that jealousy I saw in his eyes? I was shocked. I liked the feeling of Harry's eyes on me. I wanted to catch his attention, so i did the only thing I could think of.

 I kissed Dean.

Right on the lips, I could tell he wasn't expecting it. Then, he started kissing me back. I could feel no flame with him. But I did notice the trio of friend's jaws drop across the room. I pulled away from Dean, just as i caught them leaving.

"Wow" he breathed out. I smiled at him.

Over the next couple of weeks, I continued dating Dean. However, it wasn't exactly that most fun relationship. We argued all the time and he would blame for everything. Eventually, i broke things off with him. I could honestly say that after the first date, I really did not want to go out with him again. But I kept seeing Harry's jealous eyes flashing in my mind. I felt so guilty for using Dean. But I just couldn't help myself.

Things went back to normal after my breakup, except Harry kept acting weird around me. I couldn't tell what his problem was.

One evening, I overheard Harry, Ron and Hermione talking about some dangerous book Harry had. They said they didn't know what to do with it. Then, an idea came to me. I walked up to Harry and told him to come with me. He didn't object. We walked around the school a bit until we came upon a wall.

"Take my hand" I whispered. Feeling his hand in mine made me feel nervous. A door appeared before our eyes. As we walked into the room, I let go of Harry's hand and faced him.

"I going to hide this, where no one will ever find it. Close your eyes." I found a spot behind an old box and hid the book there. I was just about to leave when something came over me. I walked up to Harry and brushed my lips on his. I didn't know what had happened. Before he could say anything else, I left. What did i just do?

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