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to: adachi yuto

hey, how have you been? it seems your promotions for gorilla are almost over, thank god you'll get to rest

while im still here, wondering when i can send these letters to you

our friend has been telling me to stop writing, but i just cant

why do i still care about you? you left me, us, for several years, but everytime i see you on stage all my sadness of you leaving disappears

well, of course, you left for the better, i should be proud

and i am proud of you, yuto

and hey, im learning korean! i dont know why, but it seems like im going to college there?

my family decided that, oh im so happy! but i cant leave makoto behind, he'll be sad

hee hee okay bye, yuto! take care

~ your dedicated stan

"what do you mean you're studying there?"


"you are also leaving me behind? sure, first yuto, now you"

"i-im sorry"

"if you are leaving because of yuto, just dont, he doesnt remember you anymore"

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