You Belong With Me

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You're on the phone with your girlfriend
She's upset, she's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do.
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night.
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like.
And she'll never know your story like I do.

     I look out my window and see into the adjacent room. Reggie Mantle and I were next door neighbors and our windows stare right at each other. I see how angry and tired he looks as he rubs his temples while speaking on the phone.

     I grab my notebook and write a short message, "You ok?" I hold it to the window until he notices.

     "Yeah just Cat," he writes back in messy handwriting. I sigh. He always seems to be fighting with his girlfriend, Cat, but they will never break up. I start to write something before I notice him doing the same. I set my notebook down and wait on him. "Can I come over?" the note was written with his left hand, so it was even harder to decipher. 

     After a few moments, I could understand and quickly scrawl, "Yeah." I turn around and make sure my bedroom door was shut and locked. While my parents were pretty chill, they would not be okay to learn that Reggie regularly sneaks in through my window. I heard three sharp raps and turn around surprised. Reggie had been climbing into my room since fourth grade but it never stopped to amaze me how quiet he was. 

     "Hey," he says as he wraps me in a bear hug. I hope he couldn't feel how hard my heart was beating. I had had a major crush on Reggie since seventh grade, but he never seemed to notice and I'm not one for rocking the boat. "Sorry for just showing up. Cat was killing me."

     "No it's fi-" my words are cut short as my ringtone sounds. I look at the screen and see it's a number I don't know. I quickly swipe the answer button.

     "Hello?" I question quietly.

     "You little slut. You think I don't know what you're doing, bitch? Get my man out of your room," an angry voice curses through my mobile device.

     "Um, who is this?" I say as I scoot away from Reggie. I had a suspicion on the culprit and didn't want Reggie to hear.

     "Cat you idiot. Reggie said he was going to your room. As if he would ever wanna screw some ugl-" I never heard the rest of her cruel words because Reggie wrenches the phones from my hands. Apparently him sneaking in my window also made him incredibly quiet when he moves around.

     "Cat? What the hell? Don't ever talk to her like that again. You know what? Don't ever talk to me again," Reggie resounds as he ends the call. He looks at me and pulls me into another hug. I immediately begin to sob. It annoys me what an emotional person I am; her words weren't even that hurtful. Reggie strokes my hair.

     "Why?" I say quietly.

     "What did you say?" Reggie questions.

     "Why? Why do you date her? You've told me the truth. You don't even like her," I demand, wanting to hear his answer.

     He gulps, "I... I don't know. I mean she's the head cheerleader, I'm the captain of the football team. We're kinda expected to date. But not now. She can't do this to you. I won't let it." He said it with so much conviction I believed him. 

     He gave his little speech on Saturday. 

     On Monday, I walked into school to find them holding hands as they walked down the halls.

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