Spying is Believing...

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Spying Is Believing

   I know what I said about running away, but (sadly) I'm going to have to postpone that. Because something extremely important has just come up, and I've got a feeling I'm going to be needed around. Because it's not every week that you discover that the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young women is not the only spy school, in fact, not by a long (and I mean mega long, we're talking miles here) shot.

   I had just started packing when I realised I was meant to be in the hall ASAP. So I chucked all my clothes under the bed and dashed down the stairs, nearly colliding with Mrs Buckingham, who was obviously late too (and believe me, you don't want to collide with her). I slipped into the hall like a chameleon, which is exactly what I'm good at, because I've had practise. And there, on the stage was my mum. And Mr Solomon, who was back, much to my delight!


   PRO – You don't have to bother being scared of your head teacher.

   CON – Everybody expects you to be as brilliant as her, which unfortunately I can't say I am – but hopefully I will be one day.

   PRO – Teachers never talk about you behind your back in case your mum hears, and since they talk about everyone else, having my mum being head rocks.

   CON – They tend to talk about you a little too much to your mum, so she hears straight away if you do anything wrong.

   PRO – You can say whatever you like about the teachers, and your mum will take it on board.

   CON – You have to pretend to agree in your mother decisions.

    “What do you think of Ms Petri?” Macey asked me, the minute we got let out.

   “What do you think about Miranda?” Liz asked me, just afterwards. Because my mum is headmistress people seem to think I get to know about these things, but trust me, I don't.

   “Hard to say. They're obviously rich from the brands they were wearing, and I doubt Miranda is much of a spy, but more of a genuine poshy. I don't like the look of her.” I sighed, tiredly. I knew then that there was no way I was going to be able to run away now, when I was needed so badly. Ms Petri was an Ofsted inspector. But an Ofsted inspector for spies. She'd arrived early, which was all part of the test, she had explained, and had inspected many other spy schools. At first I'd thought, like what other spy school exactly are there? But then, weird of weird, I discovered another new thing – The Gallagher Academy and Blackthorne are so not the only spy schools in the world! Apparently, there are over fifty, all of which Ms Petri has inspected, and made notes on.

   “Cammie!” my mother rushed towards me, in a busy manner, and it was then that I figured there was NO WAY I could leave now. “I need your help. You've got to make sure everybody is on their very best behaviour! If we fail this report, then we might have to close down! Security is extremely important, so no leaving the school grounds for me!”

   Don't get me wrong. I don't always break the rules, it's just I have a slight tendency to. But under important circumstances I will or I won't. And this circumstance spelled ' I won't'.

   “Oh, and Cammie!” my mum shouted just as I was about to go back to my room and continue with my ever boring P&E homework. “Miranda's going to be in your room. It's only for a term, whilst Ms Petri inspects – Miranda's her daughter, but I hadn't known she'd have one! It'll be a bit of a squash but I'm sure Miranda will be used to it – and be nice! What Miranda thinks also matters, you too Bex, Liz, Macey.” And with that my ever-cool mother slipped away, up the corridor. And was fast replaced by Miranda, who despite what I had said, had managed to slink into the picture.

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