The Alley 🔞

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Everythings hot, humid, and unbearable in this tight yet open space. My thin clothes cling to my body tightly and I toss the ragged blanket covering me to the ground,  sweating profusely.

I woke up no more than ten minutes ago in an alley laying on a thin mattress, having a disgusting but very particular smell to it. My face crinkles as the moist air fills my nose, I gag and look around at the dumpsters nearby, explains the putrid stench.
I try and move my body to sit up. It feels like fire cursing through my veins, my limbs feel like there are weights tied to them, pinning them down.
The dumpster beside me with several bags of trash in front of it lays against a wall made of muddy brick, the red in them nearly faded. I make note that the sun is setting behind the building, watching the street lights flickering on.

Where am I?
What happened to me?
These thoughts are only the few that have rampaged my brain upon opening my eyes.

I have no hope in this alley if I'm not able to muster the strength to get up and walk. At this point, I'm sitting on this grossly marinated mattress  just waiting for somebody to either: make use of an easy target, or take my wallet.. if it's even in my back pocket still.
I fight my weak limbs and by the grace of god I gain an ounce of strength, using it to-wipe my sweat-drenched forehead off.

My situation at this moment in time is not ideal, or if I might say, shitty. I can tell I'm in the peak of heat by how bothered and hot I feel, like my skin is crawling and my mind is blinded by fog. I'm still unsure of how I ended up in this position, can I even remember when I left my apartment? I try to think back to early this morning and start to recollect my memory of todays events.
I got up at around eight am to get ready for work, making sure I had my suppressants taken an hour before I needed to be there. I packed my lunch, water, a snack. I grabbed my keys and wallet from the counter and walked outside. I drove my car to work and worked my shift.

I remember my shift ending at four thirty, thirty minutes early. I was happy to be out before my shifts designated time.
And then?
Then what?
I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Think brain.
That's right! My coworker Ryan, he stopped me and asked if I'd like to grab a drink with him and maybe a bite to eat. At the time I was struck by him, he was much taller than me and seductively handsome, with a strong build. I'd been seeing him around the office and he had caught my attention on several occasions as we worked together, his well groomed features always catching my gaze. There were times I swore his blue eyes were lingering on me too.
Where did we go?
Where did we go??
Moments pass as I try to remember these last key details, and then suddenly, I choke on my breath remembering the events that had occurred.

Ryan and I left for the restaurant promptly after work, leaving as soon as we both clocked out. We work together for a company called Synergy, both in the billing department.

We walked to our cars, and Ryan stopped me before I got into mine, offering to drive me the ten minutes to the restaurant/bar, and insisted it would be easier to just drive over with him.

Reluctantly, I had agreed, always liking my car to be wherever I went. On the contrary though, I'd never really been great at making or keeping friends, and was hopeful, that if I kept everything simple, it would be a good outing.

I had arrived at the restaurant with Ryan fifteen minutes later after hitting some mild traffic. But when we arrived at the restaurant, I had realized it wasn't a restaurant. Instead it was the opening of the very alleyway I lay inside right now.

I turned to Ryan and questioned him on where we were. He turned back and said that we just needed to walk down the block and that the parking isn't great near the place. I remember sighing in relief and looking at his face, he wore a small comforting smile, accompanied with what I thought was a sincere look in his eyes.

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