Chapter Twenty-One: Lonely Friend-Zone Induced Soliloquys

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When I woke up, I was laying on a cold floor, handcuffed to a pipe. I could hear voices.

"Don't be scared...I just need you to listen."

"What...what do you want?" Winn's voice asked. I struggled to speak, but no sound came out.

"What I've wanted for over a decade. To be your father again."

"Too late."

"In any case it's all Dunholtz fault and we're going to make him pay."

"Chester Dunholtz? Your old boss?" Winn asked.


"That's why you broke out of jail, so you could get revenge on him for what, stealing your dumb toy designs?"

"No. No, this isn't about him stealing a toy, this is about him stealing your childhood." He replied.  "Stealing my chance to watch you grow up. Like Kris tried to steal you away from me."

"Is that why you tried to kill her too?"  He nodded.

"But, it obviously didn't work." He gestured towards me and Winn turned around.

"Kris? Oh my gosh, what did you do to he?"

"Same thing I did to you. She's fine...for now." I reached into my pocket, pulling out my phone. I had no service wherever I was...but I did have a voice recorder. I pressed the record button, holding it behind my back.

"What do you mean?"

"You're gonna do what I say...or I'm going to kill her."

"You're gonna kill Chester Dunholtz." He realized. "What does that have to do with me?"

"Because I'm not gonna kill him. You're gonna kill him for me....or I'm gonna have to do it, and kill her along with him. Today is the start of the National City toy convention, and for that I made you this special gun." He held up a plastic gun.  "You can take this with you right through the metal detectors and right past security. You can also take it on stage with you when Chester Dunholtz receives his award. Now you'll walk up to the podium, aim at his face, right between the eyes...and you will shoot."

"I would never do that."

"Then I shoot her." He aimed the gun at me.

"Winn, don't do it." I begged.

"Shut up. I know. I know this is a tough thing to do. But I'm gonna make it easy on you by taking the decision out of your hands. Aside from the threat of Kris Kingsley's life, I've planted ten bombs in ten different toys at the convention. You wont know where they are, and if you don't kill Dunholtz, I'm gonna set them off, and but a bullet in your girlfriend's brain."

"Dad, listen to me. There will be hundreds of people there. Kids."


"They will all die."

"No, No they won't, No they won't, because you won't let that happen. You are going to save them by killing him."

"We'll both end up in prison." He argued.

"And that's what makes this the perfect plan. Because whether we escape or end up in prison, or what have you, we are gonna be together."

"How did this happen to you?" Winn asked.

"Do you know that even with all the amazing toys I've built, you're the best thing I ever made. You're just like me."

"I am nothing like you." He sounded disgusted.

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