You know. You're supposed to read the directions - Not use them for a Hot Chocolate shield." Alfred, who'd just been about to use a hammer on a particularly difficult nail, was startled by the sudden appearance of Russia and fell backwards, off a beam he'd been precariously balanced on. He prepared himself for impact, closing his eyes, but when it finally came, it wasn't as bad as he'd thought.
"You don't have to keep your eyes closed like little girl," Ivan laughed from somewhere above him. Finally allowing himself to see again, he realised that he was staring up at the Russian's purple irises. They were silent for a moment, caught up in the surprised look in the other's face when they both realised he'd caught Alfred. It was only broken when the arms dropped out from under him and he went crashing into the snow.
"God damn it!" Alfred bounced to his feet, instantly, brushing the snow off as fast as he could, "You ass! That was really cold!"
"Really? I don't think so, myself. It seems rather comfortably warm to me," Ivan smirked.
"You're just jealous because I actually know what summer looks like," Alfred stuck his tongue out, "You know, they call it fall because the leaves do - Not the snow."
"What good is a tree that cannot live all year long?" Russia inquired.
"It's called a renewable resource," Alfred returned, "Something you probably know nothing about."
"...Braw," Andrew appeared beside them, interrupting whatever argument they were going to have.
"Yo!" Alfred spun on his heel, facing the boy with a smile, "How can I help you, Lil man?"
"Did you just call him... Bra?" Ivan raised an eyebrow.
"It was the only thing he'd respond to," Andrew shrugged.
"Damn straight," Alfred ruffled the younger nation's hair, "So. How can I help you?"
"Aren't you supposed to be building a house?" Andrew asked. The smile faded from Alfred's face and he turned away, sadly.
"I'm... Mildly impressed," Ivan stated, "Do tell what your secret is in doing that."
"Doing what?" Andrew blinked, confused.
"That," Ivan gestured at the American who was returning to work.
"Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I do not egg him on," Andrew suggested, indifferently.
"I do no such thing," Ivan argued. Andrew didn't bother giving him a response to that. He walked over to where Alfred's chocolate sat and picked it up, taking it with him as he turned to walk away, "Where are you going?"
"To enjoy my last few days of silence," Andrew stated, "I will be back." With that, he walked away, leaving footprints in the snow.
"And that's the last of it!" Alfred grinned, slamming the fridge shut and kicking aside a grocery bag, "Fully built, furnished and stocked with everything the little guy could need from video games to Doritos. What do you think?"
"Did you actually even consider his interests when you built this place?" Ivan demanded, "Because, if I'm being frank, it looks like something only you could live in comfortably."
"Well, I mean..." Alfred rubbed the back of his neck, "It's not like he talks all that much - Or is even around. I worked with what I had, okay?" Before anything else could be said, the front door opened and shut, followed by the sound of shuffling and then a figure appeared in the kitchen doorway, holding a Starbuck's cup.
"Andrew!" Alfred greeted him with frantic waving, "You couldn't show up fifteen minutes ago when I started putting the food away, huh? Oh well. Nice to see you! So... What do you think?"
"It's..." Andrew glanced around the room, hesitantly, "Rather large. You didn't have to do all this. A simple shack would have been fine."
"Nonsense!" Alfred took him by the wrist, dragging him to see the rest of the house, "Only the best for my little buddy! Come on - I'll give you the tour." Ivan waited patiently as they ran about the place, Alfred pointing out the different rooms and functions of various electronics he'd included. He had just finished up explaining the organisation system of the library and was leading Andrew to the pantry when Ivan finally spoke up.
"Yo?" he paused, turning on his heel to see what Ivan needed, a look of attentiveness being given to him.
"Perhaps now would be opportune to explain the situation with the UN to him," Ivan suggested, gesturing to a table with three chairs around it, "I need to be returning home, soon, but I'd like to be here when we do."
"Yeah... Okay." Alfred walked across the room, taking a seat in the offered chair. Ivan sat beside him, leaving Andrew the chair across from him, "Take a seat, And." Andrew followed the command, looking between the two of them for answers. There was silence for a moment.
"Andrei," Ivan began, since it became obvious to him that Alfred would not be starting off this conversation, "You are aware of what the UN is, first off, da?"
"Of course," Andrew nodded, trying to predict where this was going, but not quite able to figure it out.
"Well, it was brought up a time ago that you were indeed a new nation," Ivan continued, "Right before we found you, officially, in fact. Alfred and I have spoken with them and arrangements have been made to take you with us to New York City upon our next meeting. We will be discussing custody of you."
"Custody?" Andrew raised an eyebrow, "I assumed that would be fairly obvious, considering I'm an American state..."
"Well, yes and no," Alfred finally spoke up, "While you will mostly be under my care, the other nations don't think me raising you solely is a good idea. I have no idea why - I'm fantastic with kids."
"I assume it may be more of an issue of our history," Ivan suggested, glancing sideways at him, "I certainly would not want any child of yours standing on my borders and I'm certain the feeling is mutual. Also, I am a much more easily accessible figure in the case of danger, as I am right next door while Alfred is on the other side of Canada."
"He's your really lame uncle, by the way," Alfred added, "I'll introduce you to him and your creepy... Are Francis and Arthur technically his grandparents?"
"I suppose," Ivan nodded, "As Natasha and Katyusha would be his aunts."
"Yeah... Sorry, kid," Alfred turned back to Andrew, "Your family is really messed up."
"It certainly is not one anyone would have seen mixing any time soon," Ivan agreed, "But that is besides the point right now. What we need to discuss is what is going to be expected of you at these meetings."
"Doesn't sound too complicated so far," Andrew crossed his arms.
"Firstly, you most certainly cannot act like Alfred," Ivan pointed out, "That will not be tolerated."
"I think I can manage," Andrew nodded.
"And you can't be like him, either!" Alfred retaliated, pointing at Ivan, "He's creepy!"
"My previous statement stands," Andrew replied.
"In addition," Ivan sent a sideways glare at Alfred, but continued onwards, "You will be spending the majority of the meeting standing and will not speak unless spoken to. If, for whatever reason, you do speak, it must be done so politely."
"And loudly," Alfred piped up, "China's old and wont be able to hear you well. Plus, don't mention anything historically embarrassing. Artie will go on for ages about his pirate days if it comes up, so don't." The instruction continued on in this manner, going from general to specifics until Alfred and Ivan were arguing about whether or not Americans actually landed on the moon.
"Well," Andrew stood up, startling the countries out of their debate, "This has been informative, but I really should be going to bed soon. When will we be leaving?"
"Three days," Alfred answered, "Pack your bags because we're going back to New York, baby!"
Looking For Alaska
FanfictionAmerica finds a young boy in the snowy terrains of Alaska and brings it up at the UN meeting. Confirming the child to be a personification like themselves, he must join up with Russia to care for the boy. Andrew isn't quite sure what to think of his...