Where do I start this week has been my week from hell....
Everyone having ago at me causing shit that doesn't even need to be caused but now ive ended my relationship and found out alot more shit then I should have about how my futures gonna play out I think imma do ok but ending the relationship I was in was probably for the best I mean the constant arguments didnt help anybody and someone always got hurt so now im just gonna wait till I'm feeling better to go do what I need to
To make my future a reality because right now I dont even feel like I'm remotely close to having it because the person is off on a date on Monday and I dont know what to think or anything ive been through this many times ive been here so many times.....How am I ment to feel about it all where am I ment to go what am I ment to do.......
Dont matter what I do I'm gonna hurt the ones I love the most and then feel bad.......
I never felt bad or guilty for many things but apparently my heads starting to so apart from being down about most things in my life my heads now making every bad choice in my life and every fuck up ive ever done and making me feel guilty and bad for it and ive made a lot of mistakes over the Years some major some minor so what do I do.....
feelings in words
KurzgeschichtenI dont do feelings I can't speak them.so imma write them not that it turns out the ways it's ment to....