Wizards at CHB (Hp and Pjo crossover

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Well this is my first story so don't hate but you can point out grammar mistakes and also the 7 will be in this as well as some of the people that i made, well i was thinking all the Hp, Pjo crossovers its Percy and the gang going to Hogwarts so then i thought why don't i bring Harry, Ron, Hermione and the others to Camp Half-Blood (CHB) Don't copy and i am not J.K Rowling or Rick Riordan and i do not own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson just the people that i made.

Harry's pov
Professor. McGonagall called a meeting for Me,Ron,Hermione,George,Luna, Neville and Draco.
Oh man i am going to be late and i put down my quilt and my potions homework and ran out of the Common room to McGonagall's office,
When i entered i was panting like i ran a marathon, well the distance that i ran was about as long as a marathon,
I was snapped out of my thoughts when McGonagall started talking
"Well now that Mr.Potter has joined us we can start"
I sat down in between Ron and Luna
"Well i an to inform all of you that we are not the only magical beings on this planet and-" McGonagall was cut of by Draco yelling "WHAT DO YOU MENE 'WE ARENT THE ONLY MAGIC-" Draco was cut off by Luna shooting the stunning spell at Draco
"Thank you Ms. Lovegood, now as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted"McGonagall said will shooting a death glare at Draco who was recovering from being stunned "we are not the only magical beings and that the other beings are called 'Demigods' they are Half muggle (or mortal) and half greek or roman god so-" McGonagall was interrupted once again but it was Hermione this time "BUT THE GODS DON'T EXSIST" shrieked Hermione standing up
Ron stands beside her trying to get her to sit down
"But they do and two of them will be taking all of you to there Camp tomorrow" McGonagall said
"Camp?" i asked McGonagall
"Yes Harry, the place where they train is called 'Camp Half-Blood', now hurry all of you will be leaving tomorrow, meeting dismissed" McGonagall said waving her hand to say that we are dismissed.
And with that we all ran to our Common rooms to start packing.

--Time skip---tomorrow---very early in the morning--

Percy's pov
Me and Melody are picking up the wizards, we are seriously waiting for them at the front of the school with BlackJack, FireBall, Wave, thunder, illuminate and Death.
Melody Stoll Older sister of Connor and Travis Stoll, she had waist long brown hair and hazel brown eyes, she is kinda tanned but she is taller than me and i an a 6"4 and she is a 6"7 i know it is only two inches more but still she is taller than me.
Than we finally see the Wizards coming but when they see us they pull out their wands
"Who are you?" Demanded the one with black hair and glasses said
"We are you ride to Camp" said Melody with a smirk playing on her lips,
The wizards still don't lower their wands
"Sorry forgot the whole introduction, well i am Melody Stoll Daughter of Hermes and this guy over here is-" Melody started but i finished for her "Percy Jackson Son of Poseidon and we better leave now or we will be late" and i mounted BlackJack "you can choose your Pegisi and you can go two or one and hold on tight or you will fall off ok" explained Melody "Ok" All The Wizards said

The grouped and loners go
FireBall-Ron and Hermione
Wave-Neville and Luna
And my flying sneakers-Melody (duh)

"MAIA" Melody yelled and her sneakers started flying, the Wizards faces looked so surprised it was so funny i almost fell off BlackJack *Boss can we go now? we are all ready* asked BlackJack "yup" and with that we flew off into the sky and left Hogwarts behind.

Well hoped that you liked my first Chapter and i will try and do the whole '1 Chapter everyday' but Nobody got time fo dat so then i will do the '1 comment for 1 chapter' so yea bye

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