Seeing CHB

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Disclaimer i do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter i am not J.K Rowling or Rick Riordan i only own the people that i made,
Now on with the story.

Melody's pov
"HEY PERCE I AM GOING TO LAND TO MAKE SOME LANDING GROUND FOR YOU TO LAND" i shouted over the wind "OK" Percy yelled back and i flew to CHB,
I landed right in front of the lake and their where some people so i yelled "OK ALL OF YOU MOVE OFF THE BEACH UNLESS YOU WANT TO GO TO THE INFIRMARY AND BE PRANKED NON-STOP BY ME, CONNOR AND TRAVIS" everybody ran off the beach and i flew back to Percy "You can land on the beach" i told Percy "thanks" Percy said and i sat on BlackJack on the way down.
"WHOO-HOO" i screamed as all of the Pegisi where flying very fast down towards the beach "ok BlackJack slow down i don't want to crash into the beach" Percy told BlackJack,
And we slowed down "Percy you are a KillJoy" i whined to Percy "I'm not i just don't want to die today" Percy said and i shot him a playful glare as we landed,
As we got off Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Cassidy (i made her no stealing) and Thalia ran over to us and gave us a group hug,
"Hey where's your half-bro Cass?" Percy asked Cassidy "Nico, he's dealing with some souls that aren't listening" Replied Cassidy "why aren't you there?" Percy asked "because i just finished with the soul that i hade to deal with" Cassidy responded with no emotion on her face.
Her name is Cassidy Coldstone she is a daughter of Hades, she has dirty blonde hair that goes to the middle of her back and she has piercing midnight blue eyes and like Nico she wheres black clothes and she has tanned skin and she is 6"4.
"Hey their is a Cabin meeting and bring the Wizards" said Amaya (i also made her so again no stealing).
Amaya Sunstone, Daughter of Apollo, Queen of the Northern Lights (she controls them), she wheres lots of orange, yellow and green, she has blonde hair that goes down to her waist, she has Orange eyes (so COOL) and if you make her mad her eyes turn red and her hight is 6"8.
Harry's pov
As we got to this blue house that the Demigods call 'the Big House' where the meeting was held i was expecting a big table with 'The Cabin Leaders' siting,
But when i got in there i saw a ping-pong table with people yelling at each other it went like this,
"I DIDINT GO IN THE FIELDS KATIE" screamed a girl with stringy blonde hair "BUT I SAW YOU COMING OUT OF THE FIELDS" yelled the girl i think her name is Katie "CAM YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP" yelled a guy with blonde hair that kinda resembled the other blonde girl that came and told us about the meeting "NO" Katie and the other girl said in unison "I AM NOT LETTING CLAIRSSE OFF THE HOOK FOR THIS ONE" shouted Katie "MY DAD MAYBE ARES GOD OF WAR BUT LIKE I SAID I. DON'T. LIKE. BLUEBERRIES" the girl named Clairsse yelled "BUT I SAW YOU WITH-"Katie stopped as a man with a wheelchair came in the room "Katie we will deal with this later, we have guests right now" The man with the wheelchair told Katie "Yes Chiron" Katie said and looked at her hands "now introduce yourselves to the wizards" said wheelchair man and they all came is a lone in front of us
"Hey punks I'm Clairsse LaRue daughter of Ares God of War and Violence, don't forget it" said Clairsse,
"Hey I'm Will Solice Son of Apollo" said the guy that yelled 'shut up' to the girls,
"Hello i am Katie Gardener daughter of Demeter" said Katie,
Twins came up to us and grabbed Melody and said "Hey I'm Connor-" "I'm Travis-" "and i am Melody-" "AND WE ARE THE STOLLS" Connor, Travis and Melody said to us,
"Hey i am Annabeth Chase Daughter of Athena" said the Beautiful blonde,
"Hey i'm Thalia Daughter of Zeus" said spiky hair "Hi i'm Amaya Sunstone Daughter of Apollo" said the girl that looked like will,
"Hey i'm Leo Flaming Valdez Son of Hephaestus" said elfish looking guy,
"Hello i'm Piper McLean Daughter of Aphrodite" said the girl with multicoloured eyes,
"Hey i'm Percy Jackson Son of Poseidon if you forgot" Percy told us
Just then a kid with black hair came in and pulled the girl with dirty blond hair towards us,
The girl spoke first "hey i'm Cassidy Coldstone daughter of Hades and this is my half-brother-" Cassidy got cut off by black haired dude "Nico DiAngelo also Son of Hades" and they stood with the others "hullo i'm Harry Potter" "I'm Ron Weasley" "i'm Hermione Granger" "I'm George Weasley" "Luna Lovegood" "Neville Longbottom" "and i'm Draco Malfoy" me and all the others introduced themselves "well lets get started, and before i forget i am Chiron Camp director" said Chiron,
Draco snorted, "Whats so funny Mr.Malfoy?" asked Chiron,
"Your i a wheelchair if you hadn't noticed" said Draco wile smirking,
Then Melody said "why don'tyou give them a good scare Chiron" Melody said wile Smirking and Chiron stood up in his wheelchair and something unbelievable happened he turned into a Centaur all of us where shocked this place is weird "well lets get on with the meeting now, lets start with complaints all of you except the Stolls have been complaining that the Stolls are pranking to much, hands up if the Stolls can keep pranking but they have to keep it to a minimum" all hands rise but Connor's, Travis's and Melody's "ok well you three can only do 5 pranks a day" Chiron told them "ok" they mumbled "it is almost lunch so we will resume tomorrow at 10 now Melody you will show the Wizards around, meeting dismissed" and all the Demigods got up and left, all but one and that one is Melody "so lets go on with the tour" she said and motioned for us to follow, she showed us the Cabins and the Cabin we will be staying in, it is called the Hecate Cabin, she showed us the Arena and showed us the Archery range, which we met her boyfriend fir the second time and his name is Will Solice, After that she showed us the forest were they play 'Capture the flag', she showed us 'the wall' she explained that the wall an course that pours lave and rocks down and you have to avoid them Hermione asked her how they survive that and Melody replied that its the easiest thing in Camp, Hermione kept quiet after that, she showed us 'Thalia's tree' which was Thalia and last but not least she showed us the dining pavilion and just in time for lunch, Melody told us that we can sit with the Hecate kids, Percy or Thalia.
Luna and Neville sat with the Hecate kids,
George, me and Ron sat with Percy
And Hermione and Draco sat with Thalia.
Percy told us that we just have to imagine the food that we want on our plate and it will just appear,
Before the Demigods started eating they got up and put some food in the fire,
When Percy came back he probably saw our confused faces because he said "we give some food as a sacrifice to the Gods" "how does the food get to the gods?" asked George "this is a special fire when we put the food in there it goes straight to the Gods" explained Percy "Hey Percy its the Hermes, Zeus and Apollo Cabin against you, the Athena and Hades Cabin and the Wizards get to play" Will told me "ok Will i'll suit them up" Percy told Will,
I wonder whats going to happen.

So here you go and thanks to Riptide1 for being the first to comment and i think your idea will be coming later because the Wizards are going to have to participate in the activities so like i said '1 comment=1 new chapter'. bye!

Wizards at CHB (Hp and Pjo crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now