Tri-Demigod battle Royal

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Nico's pov

When Luna mentioned Melody, Skye and Percy they all looked at me,

'Well in screwed' I thought

Melody then continued to look at Percy then at Skye

'This is not going to be good!' I though to myself.

Melody's pov

I'M GOING ON THIS QUEST! I will get that spot I mean Percy has already been on lots of life changing quests and I guess that just leaves me and Skye.


"Chiron I have an idea that can settle who goes on this quest" I told Chiron

"Well go on then" Chiron told me

"Well Me, Percy and Skye can have a Tri-Demigod Battle Royal and whoever wins can go on the quest" I explained

"Alright then we will have three events that I will decide and the camp can watch, all in favour raise your hand?" Chiron said and all hands in the room went up including Nico's.

Narrator's pov (A.K.A ME)

As all hands went up Melody, Skye and Percy all thought the same thing 'Im going to win!'

Cassidy's pov

Medusa I learned snake hair's name was has been training me 24/7 and even gave me a name because I don't remember my original name 'Viper' (A/N I will put Cassidy's pov like this Viper's (Cassidy) pov just so you don't get mixed up) Medusa also gave some new clothes so I now wear I snake skin tank top, a leather jacket and some camo pants and I'm barefoot.

Medusa has taught me how to summon snakes and lots of hand to hand combat and Her Medusas two other sisters(I don't remember their names sorry) had me train with throwing knives.

I do eat but it's mostly monster meat smells and looks gross but I gotten used to the taste, and sometimes when I go to sleep I can see the boy in black and also two girls one is a brunet and the other a blonde.

I wish I had my memories back but right now I have to help Medusa and her sisters!

SCHOOL!!!!! That is my reason for not updating often because I'm in grade 8 and I have lots to do but I am trying to update as much as I can so I hope you had a good day or night depends where you are but I hope you are liking my story and all that jazz. got to go before my IPod dies!



The ending is only the beginning

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