i got tagged (hmmmm)

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Hey fam it's Ariana and as you can see I got tagged by AnimeGirls123 so let's get started

Hey fam it's Ariana and as you can see I got tagged by AnimeGirls123 so let's get started

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1. Name?? Ariana Mendes (jk look at number 43) 

2. Height?? 5"5

3.weight??? 110

4.age??? 10 almost 11 in 6 days

5.birthday?? July 26 2006

6.girl bff??? Alisha and the girls I talk to on here

7.Guy bff?? Tyler F

8. Crush??? Same as #7

9.ever fall in love??? Nope

10.Favorite food??? Banana peppers with ranch

11.last text??? I'm too lazy to type because it's long but here

last text??? I'm too lazy to type because it's long but here

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12.battery percentage??? 76%

13.eye color???? Brown but changes different types of brown

14. Addiction??  Listening to Shawn Mendes all the time and talking about him (bicklepickle see what I am talking about)

15.Favorite song?? Patience~Shawn Peter Raul Mendes

16.favorite animal??? Siberian tigers

17.Favorite colors?? Turqoise or any other blue

18.shoe size?? I have big feet so 9

19.sing in the shower??? Yes I hook up my speaker and phone get in and sing my lungs out

20.one wish??? To meet all of you especially bicklepickle

21.best time in my life??? I can't pick I have so many

22.Country you live in??? Was born in Russia but moved to the U.S

23.Pets?? I have one cat I used to have a dog but she ran away

24.Plan on getting married?? Yes but I am gonna do what one of my sisters did and that was date a person for 10 years then get married

25.Favorite subject?? Science and Reading

26.First kiss?? Never had one

27.insecure?? My singing

28.Ever self harmed?? No and never will

29.who you love?? You guys and my family

30.Miss anyone?? Yes my cousin Garry and grandma also grandpa on my dad side

31.Hair color?? Dark brown almost black

32.Relationship status?? SINGLE PRINGLE

33.Last song I listened to?? The weight by Shawn

34.Biggest fear?? Heights or losing you guys and my family

35.Believe in ghosts?? Yes

36.Something I hate?? Homophobes

37.Favorite tv show??? The 💯 or switched at birth

38.Favorite movie?? Split (2017)

39. The bad beginning of the series a series of unfortunate events

40.Favorite food?? Same as number 10

41.Jealous of?? My 5 year old brother getting all attention

42.what is your star sign??? Leo ♌

43.Middle name?? Murie

44.worst habit?? Biting my finger nails

45.Number of sibblings?? 11

46. Name of sibblings??
1. Taneyka

47.sports I play?? Football,soccer,and ballet

48.Talents?? I can turn my whole right arm around without it hurting also I can jump off the trampoline and land on my feet without it hurting also read a long book in one day

49.Embarrassing moment?? My brother auto tuned my voice and made it sound weird and I was so embarrassed because he showed my friends (bicklepickle is the 14 year one)

50.Future career is become a teacher or singer

The people I tag is dontjudgememendes shawnmendeslovesme21 Winter937 bicklepickle and xoxosenaxoxo

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