Chapter 3

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I can't believe my eyes!? I can't believe my dad wants us to help with something as crazy as this.

~~~~~~~~~~ <3

I looked down at the manila folder and was horrified at what I saw. I sit there for like a good five minutes and six eyes inattentively stared at me. Dean pushes his chair out saying, "That's it I've had it!" He then walks over to me and snatched the manila folder from me and started scanning it. His face held a hint of emotion that showed he was excited. How can he be excited this is MURDER DUN DUN DUN!!!!

He stood there, threw the folder across the table and Sam caught it like he was at a bar catching a beer. Sam was reading the case and Izzy was reading over his shoulder and they simultaneously looked up with a creepy ass smile on their faces. Dean and I looked at each other like what-the-fuck and laughed. Sam abruptly stood up and the chair flung across the room,"Well what are we waiting for let's go," he said excitedly.

The boys leave before us through the magical door, I'm about to leave when Izzy grabs my hand and says, "Wait. There is a huge library here," Izzy's hand points to the books,"and we aren't going to take one book?"

"Alright fine," I said. I walked to a random shelf and picked up a random book without even looking. While Izzy was looking at all the title's and commenting, "By the Angel I read this book, OMG I wanted to read this book... I CAN'T CHOOSE!!"

"Come on Izzy just pick a damn book so I can see can see my beautiful Dean!" I yelled at Izzy. I finally see her come and see that she took A Tale of Two Cities. "The only reason why you took that book was because it's Will Herondale's favorite book."

"Obviously. Geez why else would I take the book?" Izzy said while we left the cave. When we got to the car the guys were just looking at us with an expression of 'what took so long'. Dean kept stealing glances at me through the rear view mirror and it kept making me blush. Izzy caught me and psst "Why are you blushing?"

I just say, "Just put your nose in the book" and I go back to staring at Dean.

My phone goes off " Hey Beautiful you got a text message" my face turns red when everyone stares at me. "Geez haven't you guys every heard of a ringtone" I gave then a duh look. I unlock my phone and see it was dad who texted me.

Hey sweetie, have fun with the case and if anything happens to you or your sister I'm going to kill those Winchester brother's. Your headed to Ashland, remember I read the case before I gave it to you guys. Duh Maddie, get with the 411. Love you -Daddy Shawn.

Daddy Shawn? What is that? He's so funny why would he tell us to have fun? Does he know something we don't. I laugh out loud without realizing.

"What are you laughing at?" Dean askes

"My dad is going to kill you if you let anything happen to us" Izzy startes laughing with me.

"Wait I dont understand that reference" Sam inquired.

"Because our dad cant even kill anything, he cant even kill a fly." Izzy chimed in.

A song comes on the radio and Dean starts fangirling. I assumed that Dean liked this song. I whisper to Izzy "Hey Izzy what song is this?"

"I don't know some kind of Metallic song," Izzy whispered back to me.

After about hours of driving we finally stopped at a building in the middle of no where. I noticed that Izzy read like half of A Tale of Two Cities and she was crying a little. Damn she can read fast.

"Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream master, MASTER!" Dean starts belting it out on the top of his lungs. Sam, Izzy and I were laughing hysterically at Dean.

"You all have your favorite song leave me alone and get out of MY CAR!" Dean scowled at us and slams the car door. "oh crap baby I'm so sorry, Daddy loves you" I gave Dean a crazy look.

"Does he always refer to his car as baby?" I asked Sam.

"Yes I do" Dean whispered in my ear making me shiver and contracting goosebumps. He gave my a wink and walked into the abandoned building. I just looked at him stunned. "You coming babe?" Still I stand there shocked until Izzy grabbed my hand and dragged me in the building. I couldn't process it still that Dean just called me babe. My eyes flicker over at Sam who is looking my sister like he was completely whipped, there was a vibe going from Izzy to Sam and I'm about to find out.

I was about to wave Sam over when I heard someone scream in the distance.

"I'LL ALWAYS BE THE ALPHA!!" Some creep yelled out. We all ran towards the sound. When people here screams why do they always run towards it not away from it? Idiot people, oh wait that's US!

"Who are you?" Sam asked sarcastically to the creepier

"I'M PETER THE ALPHA!" he yelled at us.

"Yes we understand that your an alpha. An alpha of what exactly?"

"The Alpha of werewolves! Duh what else?" This Peter guy said to us.

I'm like out of it, did I just hear that correctly? I like jump in front of Sam, "Waa-it, wait, waaaaiitt... Did you just say werewolves?" I yelled at him excitedly. He looked at me like 'how are you not scared'.

"OMG let me take a selfie" I yelled and ran over to Peter and took about 100 photos. He was getting pissed off so he went all werewolf on me. I got even more excited and took about 100 more pictures.

"GET AWAY FROM ME HUMAN!" Peter yelled and almost clawed me in the neck when a iceiscle was thrown arcoss the room. It hit him in the head and knocked him out.

"Where did ice come from?" Sam asked in a huh tone.

"AHH" Izzy shreeked and pointed at a dead body.

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