Chapter One - Harry's Return

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Hey guys! This chapter is pretty much a filler just to see things from Oakley's point of view. But please continue reading! I promise things get "interesting" in Chapter Two(: And please read, vote, comment and share the story with your friends. It means so much to me(: And while you reading, you should listen to "Bubbly" - Colbie Calliat, that's the song that I listen to while writing this.


Oakley’s Point of View

I sat on Justin’s lap with Gemma next to us. Yes, before you ask, it is the Gemma Styles, older sister to Harold Styles. Gemma is undeniably my best friend. She’s stuck with me through thick and thin, even after her brother broke my heart at the beach, two years ago. Sadly, I’m still getting over it. He doesn’t even realise how much he hurt me. I really did fancy him, but did he fancy me? No, he just bet money that he could stay in a relationship.

I shuddered at the memories. Gemma gave me a questioning look, which I responded by mouthing the words “Later.”

Luckily, Justin seemed oblivious about our exchange. As if on cue, his phone rang and he excused himself.

“Oakley…” Gemma started once Justin was out of earshot.

“Gemma…?” I responded.

“Well, I forgot to mention that Harry is coming back here-”

“When?!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening.

It was like I was trapped in a nightmare. Except this was reality, and the scary monster, known to thousands as Harry Edward Styles, was after me.

“Uhm…” she glanced at her phone, then at her watch.

“In about ten minutes.”

My jaw dropped and I smacked her arm as hard as I could. How could she forget to tell me that!? She didn’t think I was literally going to be fine with seeing the guy who hurt me so badly. I didn’t even get an apology. After that day, he went on ignoring me and going out with Kimberley. Then he went on the X-Factor, got third place and I was never to hear him again. Except whenever he and his band were on the telly, radio and the magazines. He was unavoidable. Why do all the good things happen to bad people?

“Well, that was a better reaction than I expected.” Gemma joked playfully, at a fail attempt at enlightening the mood.

“Oh, that’s not the end of it. I’m just in shock. Give me a couple hours.” I replied, plopping back down on the bed.

What was I going to do? The very thought of Harry returning scared the living daylights out of me. He was a big, evil, attractive devil the last time I saw him. Now he was famous, his ego was probably ginormous. But what did I have to worry about? He’d probably forgotten of me by now, with all the girls he goes through. I heard he even courted Caroline Flack. I feel bad for the poor lady. If only I was there to warn her what she was getting into.

“I think I’m sick. I’m going home.” I said, forcing myself to cough.

“Funny, because before I told you, you seemed far from ill.”

“Whatever. I just don’t want to see him.”

“Pretty please was a pair of Toms on top! Just stay here for me.”

“Eww, make it Nikes.”


 "Vans. And three packs of gum.”


“Fine, I’ll stay.”

Oh, how I love how I agree to see my enemy in exchange for a pair of shoes and gum.

Harry’s Point of View

I handed the taxi driver fifty pounds. It was the least I could do as the poor man had to endure Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn and I alone in a taxi while our fans chased the car for a good hour. Then Niall got hungry so we stopped at Nando’s for a quick – half and hour bite. I’ll spare you the details. Either way, we were finally home. I stared at the house, and sighed. I miss living at home.

I helped the boys grab our luggage, and tugged it up the driveway. My heart beat wildly as we neared the door. Not too long before we had arrived at Nando’s, Gemma had texted me

Harry listen ^! Oakley & her bf r over k? & Oakley really doesnt wanna c u so no funny business xoxo

I screwed my face up at the texting grammar and didn’t bother responding. Oh, that was reassuring. The girl who I had come here to repair things with didn’t even want to acknowledge me existence. I shook my head; there was no turning back now. I patted down my pockets in search for my keys. Finding them, I quickly unlocked the door and led the boys inside.

Almost immediately I was greeted by a fellow. He had brown hair and blue eyes, and was a bit taller than me.

“Who are you and why are you in my family’s house?” I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

“I’ll have to call you back.” He mumbled into his telephone before slipping it into his pocket.

“I’m afraid you have the wrong flat, my friend. This one belongs to my friend, Gemma.” He responded.

“I’m her brother, Harry. And these are my mates.” I introduced.

As they all got acquainted, I grabbed my bags and headed upstairs. Throwing my bags in my old bedroom that hadn’t changed at all, I peeled off my shoes. I glanced in the mirror. Approving of my reflection, I left my room and walked towards Gemma’s. I could hear talking.

Oh well, I pushed open the door and walked in.

“Harry!” Gemma squealed excitedly, jumping up.

“Gemma!” I replied mockingly.

“Same asshole, I see.” A girl mumbled, not bothering to get off the bed.

“What?” I questioned.

“I said, “Same asshole, I see.” Have all the fans caused you to go deaf?” the girl responded harshly.

I was about to ask what was her problem when she turned to look me in the eyes. Dear God, it was Oakley.

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