Chapter Seven - This is a bit cliche...

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This is just a quick filler chapter that my friend Jasia gave me the idea about(: I thought after all the drama going on, you guys deserve this cute little chapter. I'll post a longer one soon.


Harry’s Point of View

You know those cliché soap operas where the person in the comma is laying in the hospital bed, and they are completely aware of their surroundings, but they are not in control of their bodies, but they have guests. And those guests are completely oblivious to this fact, and that have a deep revealing session to the person, thinking they won’t ever know. That’s what I felt I was in.

I was completely aware of everything, it’s just, I couldn’t open my eyes. Or move. And until my body feels like awaking, I’m stuck in a deep thinking session. Oh joy. The very thing that drifted into my mind was Gemma, and the boys. They seemed so frightened and such seeing me in this condition. It strangely brought a smile to my face. At least I knew they all really cared about me, unlike a certain girl named Oakley. She thought I deserved this. And I probably did, but hearing it from the girl you love still hurts. Yes, I’m falling in love with Oakley, despite her feelings towards myself.

An image of her drifted itself in front of me, almost teasing me. If I had been awake, I would have to bit my lip to stop my notorious cheeky smile. She was really a beautiful thing. Suddenly I heard a door creak open and slowly close back. Squeaking from someone’s shoes approached me hesitantly. The owners of the shoes were breathing heavily.

“Dear God, why didn’t I just take a taxi?” they mumbled.

I could tell it was feminine, but I couldn’t tell who it was.

“’Cause you’re a retard, that’s why- Oi, am I really talking to myself? I’ve got to stop that, before someone sends me to the wacky shack.” She laughed, as her breathing began to calm.

“Only a dumbass like myself would try running with an concussion.”

Finally I knew who the voice was. It was Oakley. But why was she here? Did she actually care about me?

“Uhm… Harry, its Oakley, if you can hear me. Probably not cause you’re in a comma. We need to talk, and I might as well do it now, because I’m not gonna be able to do this when you’re awake.” She began.

I could imagine her biting her nails, a bad habit she had developed.

“Go on.” I mental urged.

“You probably hate me right now. I told your sister that you deserve to be in this predicament. I said it out of rage. Justin came out and told me everything… We’re over now. That’s a good thing, right? You were the one who said I deserved better. That man you described, he seems the perfect man to comfort me.” She admitted quietly.

“It’s me, Oakley! I could comfort you! Me! Do I need to wear a fucking blinker while riding a cow with the words “Oakley, you belong with Harry Styles!” shaved into his side before you realize I’m the one?” I screamed out mentally.

I swear if I could take right now…

“Anyways, rumor is you fancy me. Is that true?” she asked.

If only I could respond.

“While you’re unconscious, I guess I should admit, I’ve been scared to get close to you again. Two years ago I was infatuated with you, it was crazy. You were all that I thought about. How could Gemma have such a cute step brother? And then the day you asked me out… I must have gone home and screamed my lungs out. I remember the looks Lukas gave me.”

Her voice sounded distant now, like she was reminiscing. I knew what part was coming up now. The reason she hated me.

“Then that day, you texted me you were going to be at the bakery working late. I honestly believed you. Then Gemma and I went down to the beach and you were kissing Kimberley…. I tapped you on your back and you told me to hold on.”

Her voice was cracking and I could tell she was crying. For once I was glad I couldn’t see her face. I probably would have ended up breaking down as well.

“Then you broke up with me. I practically fell into depression. Then you went away on tour. My life slowly came back together. I got older, and changed my styles. No pun intended.” She did a small laugh and probably a cheesy grin, before continuing.

“I got Justin, he was so sweet. He was the ultimate distraction now that I think about it. Then Gemma told me you were having emotional breakdowns on stage and were returning. Reality came crashing down, I couldn’t avoid you forever. Anyways, what I’m trying to get at is…”

“I like you… again. And now it’s my turn to make it up to you. You’ve finally proven it, Harry. I forgive you. And it only took 13 days. You lucky bastard.”

“What are you doing here?” I heard another voice, I recognized as Gemma’s.

“Apologizing to Harry.”

“You’re kidding me, right? You’re the one who said he deserves this.”

“I was wrong, okay. He doesn’t deserve any of this. I do.”

“I may be extremely pissed at you, but my best friend doesn’t deserve this. No one does.”

“Justin and I are over.”


“He was too jealous that I was going to fall for Harry again.”

“That’s stupid.”

“Not necessarily… ”

I could tell her gaze was at me. If I could grin, jump around, do a backflip, the scream out “FUCK YEAH, I DID IT!” I guarantee I would. It’s official, I can’t wait to wake up.

The Attractive Devil - A Harry Styles Fan Fiction (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now