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Deep breaths

To say I'm scared to walk into this building is an understatement. I'm terrified. What if I don't find friends or I get lost.

"Don't be scared J. It's just a school." My brother Tyler reassures, giving me a small smile. "And tell me if anyone messes with you alright?" He says, his overprotective brother side coming out. I chuckle and nod my head.

"Will do brother. Have a good day!" I exclaim before he hops out of the passenger side and hurries through the doors of Dillon high.

I take a deep breath and pull out my schedule from my bag. I look over it and take one more deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"Ya know you have to get out of the car to go to school right?" A voice says from outside my window causing me to jump. I turn quickly to see Tim Riggins standing there with a cheesy smirk plastered on his lips. I huff and grab my bag before opening the door and slamming it behind me. I walk past Tim saying nothing till I hear him chuckle from behind me. I turn around and glare at him.

"What now Tim?" I ask and he smiles.

"Can I know your name for starters?" He responds.

"Really? Because yesterday you were about to have sex with me without knowing my name. What is it today?" I say and he turns to the side.

"Alright sorry. That was wrong of me." He dryly says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever Tim." I say, turning back around.

"No no no just hold up." He says so I turn back around with my hand on my hip. "So was that a no on the sex or the name?" Tim says before laughing. I turn around for the last time and begin walking into the building.

Once I enter, the bell rings so I hurry to get to my first period class which just so happens to be in the same hall. Once I get there I open the door and immediately all eyes are on me. The teacher turns his head and cocks an eyebrow up.

"S-sorry I'm Jaclyn Clark I'm new a-and-" I stutter before getting interrupted.

"It's my fault she's late sir. I took her down the wrong hallway by mistake." I turn around to see Tim there. He flashes a small grin at me but I ignore it and turn back around.

"Tim why don't you get going to class and Jaclyn you can take a seat right there." The teacher says pointing at a desk in the back. I begin walking back, only to hear a whistle from behind me. I ignore it and sit down at the desk. I watch as the boy high fives his friend then looks back at me.

"Alright now can we not make this school year start off to a bad start?" The teacher says before continuing what I'm assuming he was lecturing about before.

Once class is over I hurry out just to be met with Tim standing by the door. I continue walking but he walks beside me.

"Ya know, I don't need saving." I tell him before making a sharp turn, losing him.


"Knock knock." I say before walking into my dads office. He turns to me with a smile. I turn my head to see Mr. Taylor standing there. "Oh I'm sorry I'll come back." I add beginning to leave.

"Oh that's not necessary, I was just about to head home. How are you liking it here Jaclyn?" Mr. Taylor asks. I plaster on a fake smile and nod my head.

"It's going great Mr. Taylor." I respond.

"Oh you can call me coach. Well it was nice seeing you and I hope you'll make it to the game on Friday. Goodbye now" Coach Taylor says walking out. I turn to my dad and sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk. I sigh and look up at him.

Tim riggins Where stories live. Discover now