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Everything was out of focus. Tim introduced me to people but I couldn't focus on one single thing.

"Jaclyn are you ok?" Tim turns to me after I stumble over my own two feet.

"Yeah! No! I'm fine." I slur out, while laughing.

"No you're not. I'll drive you home." Tim responds before lifting me up.

"Hey! What are you doing to her!" I hear Julie yell. I turn and smile.

"Juliiiieeeeeee!" I draw out.

"Jaclyn are you ok? Tim what the hell!" Julie yells at him grabbing ahold of me and helping me up.

"What's going on over here?" Matt says coming over beside Julie and helping her with me. I look over to see my brother stomping over to Tim then punching him hard in the face. People begin to crowd around and reality hits me and I feel sobered up.

"Tyler!" I shout standing up straight and pulling them apart. I still had a slight slur in my voice and a stumble but I was able to draw Tyler's attention. He snaps back to me with a glare.

"What did I tell you about him J! Stay away from him!" Tyler shouts at me before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the truck he drove here. He pretty much pushes me into the passenger seat then slams the door behind him.

"What did I say to you Jaclyn? What the hell did I say!" He shouts. I jump up then turn to the window, letting a tear fall.

"He's a good guy Tyler."

"No he's not Jaclyn! You don't know him!" He shouts and I snap my head and turn to him.

"No tyler you don't know him. I just spent the past few hours taking to him and he's actually a really nice guy! If you had just taken the time to get to know him and not just judge him based on what everyone else says, then maybe you would know that too!" I shout then open the truck door.

"He's just trying to have sex with you Jaclyn!" He shouts back.

"Yeah, maybe he is! But for the first time in a while, I was given some sort of attention! Mom and Dad only care about you so you don't have this problem but I do! Don't tell me who to hang out with and just stay away from me. Good luck Friday night." I say slamming the door.

I push through the crowd and see Tim. I think back to my brother telling me to stay away from him and walk over to him.

I turn to see my brothers truck still there so I grab Tims head and pull him down to me. I attach our lips expecting just to feel nothing, it's just a little make out to make my brother mad but it felt so nice and warm. It felt almost perfect. He pulls back and looks down at me. I could tell he felt the same just by his expression.

"Usually I would just bring you to bed, b-but I gotta go." Tim stutters before leaving the crowd. I turn back towards my brothers truck and he looks at me with disgust. I hop back into the passenger seat and look over at him.

"Well what are you staring at me for? Drive."

(Next day)

I walk into Dillon High to see the halls decorated even more festive than usual. As I walk to my class, I see everything decorated in blue and yellow, streamers, posters, etc.

"Hey, Jaclyn." I hear someone from behind me say I turn to see Tim standing there with a small grin. "Hey uhh. I just wanted to talk about the other night-" he starts but I cut him off.

"It was just a kiss Tim. Nothing more." I respond.

"Yeah but like you didn't fe-"

"Tim it was just. A. Kiss." I say but he could tell I didn't even believe myself. He sighs and walks away, leaving me standing there to think about the kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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