This isn't it?

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My world stopped for a few seconds. And everyone froze with it. It was just me alone. Cold. Afraid...Just for a few seconds. In those few seconds I trembled. I shook like I had a spasm sitting up. It was dark...For just those few seconds. Cold. Afraid. I had the world to myself...For just a few seconds. I could do anything I wanted...For just a few seconds.
no one...was by my side...for just a few seconds

Everything then resumed. I was more terrified in those few seconds, then I was in my entire life put together.


"Malfoy" I said in a hard stone voice.
"Yes, mudblood." he answered.
"Who's that letter from?" I asked.
"None of your business, mudblood." he shouted at me while walking away.
"Only pureblood families use wax seals." I said. he stopped. I resumed.
"I know all pureblood family wax seals in this area, I read about them in a book, but not this one." "That is because, this is not a pureblood seal." Malfoy answered. Puzzled, I looked at the black wax seal with an "R" pressed into it.
"Then which halfblood family is it?" I questioned. "Well if you must know...It is the dark lord's family seal."
///End flashback///

His seal. That was his BLOODY seal! anger rised within me. 'It isn't true.' I reasoned with myself. It can't be. I can't be related to Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange...I can't be...Can I? I shook the thought out, it was too horrible to imagine.

(sorry I haven't updated in a while, we are replacing the stuff that was stolen. But I love you all, and please leave comments, and sorry for the short chapter)

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