Chapter 1: The Rescue

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I woke up to a really bright, white light shining in my eyes. It almost felt like you were looking at the sun, the only difference is this light wasn't warm. As fast as a light switch getting turned off, the light disappeared. The room went black, and the room got as silent as a church.

"Who are you? Where am I? Answer!" I screamed out loud.

The only noise I heard was my echo bouncing off the walls in the room. It was obvious I was in some kind of warehouse. I started to really panic! After about 10-20 minutes, I heard a door open and saw 14 men walk inside. I saw at-least 10 of them had armed weapons. One single light turned on above my head. A flickering, yellow light.

Then, I saw this man in a grey suit with two armed guards walking up to me. He had dark brown hair, baby blue eyes, and a tan kinda colored skin. I couldn't tell how the guards looked, because they both had masks on and voice boxes, so I couldn't recognize the voices. The man in the suit had a bandana over his mouth.

The man in the suit told me,"Blake's the name, right?"

I resisted to answer any questions he asked.

I looked off into the darkness and mumbled,"No, I'm not answering anything you ask me. I never will!"

"Bring out his brother, that Dre-Drew kid. Maybe than, he'll decide to answer my questions..."said the man in the suit,"Oh and if he still doesn't answer... kill the boy and we'll make the kid talk!"

I instantly panicked and started freaking out! I looked around to see my brother, but I couldn't find anyone! Then, I saw him... missing two of his fingers on his left hand, and one on his right hand. He had huge slashes and raw flesh exposed, blood pouring out like water pouring out of a broken pipe.

He looked up, we looked each other in the eyes. I saw his eyes start filling in tears and soon burst out into tears! His fell down onto his knees and his forehead hit the cold, dark, cement floorboard! There was a huge slash on the bottom right of his back, and at the end was a knife. The knife was a military knife, and it was still in his back.

How is he still ok? How did he not pass out from the pain and blood loss, I thought to myself. A bunch of questions started rushing through my head like a busy highway. The biggest question is,"Why did this happen to our family what and who made this happen! What this on purpose? Or accidental?"

"B-B-Blake. Can you he-hear me? Do you und-e-rstand m...?" Drew mumbled as his gasped in pain. Clenching the chair legs.

The door opened again, a man with a white apron on that was covered in blood walked in. The man was carrying a bag of tools. (At the moment we didn't know it was filled with torture tools). He walked up and dropped it on a bloody cart. The man said in a deep, sketchy voice," The General wants to see you all at the helipad, now!"

As the two men jogged out of the room, the butcher started unzipping the bag. Drew and I looked at each other, both frightened. As the doors slammed shut, the butcher took off his mask.

"Drew? Blake? Right? Your the brothers that got taken away during that terrorists attack, right?" Said the butcher.

"Yea? Why do you care? Your just gonna kill us! How do you even know our names?" Drew said half in pain.

The butcher took out a file and said," I'm sorry, I forgot to explain myself! I'm Sgt. Guzman. I've been sent here to get you two out of here and to safety ASAP! We can't wait any longer, and the files are classified. Lets move!"

As Sgt. Guzman started to untie us we heard foot steps coming from down the hall. We already cut the rope, so we couldn't act like nothing went on. The foot steps got closer and closer and eventually the doors opened! Two guards grasped their guns and aimed straight at us! I looked over at Sgt. Guzman, but she was gone. I lost all hope and just before I threw my hands up in the aid, Sgt. Guzman jumped out behind one guard, grabbing his pistol and aiming at the other guard while holding the other one hostage.

"Don't move, shoot, or call for help or this whole place will be in flames within a minute! Just put the gun down!" said Sgt. Guzman.

The guard she had hostage tried to call for help, as the other guard tried taking out Sgt. Guzman. She shot the guard she had hostage in the head. As its body fell lifeless she reaches down and grabbed the knife out if the hostler, on his left side. As the guard was about to run out of the room, the knife goes flying. Landing right on the back of its neck. It's body tripped onto the door and fell back.

As she was digging the knife out of one of guards neck, she cleaned it with a rag. She put it in a pouch, and got up and said,"We better go! I have a bad feeling that more guards will be coming soon, and I can't let you guys get hurt! I have a jeep out back, put these clothes on and we'll drive back to my destination. There is a helicopter waiting for us. Just do what I say and you'll survive.

Drew and I started rushing the clothes on our sore bodies, felt like putting needles all over your body. As soon as we got the clothes on we rushed out the back exit.

We entered outside, I slowly inhaled real heavy and slowly exhaled. It's been too long since I smelled fresh, smoke-free air. Looking around to find the jeep he was talking about, I finally found it. It was all under leaves and grass. Drew and I limped each other into the jeep.

Drew quietly said," Sgt. Guzman? How did you find m- us?"

Sgt. Guzman replied in a heavy-breathing voice,"First of all you guys can call me Sergeant, and second we did some research back at the house and found parts of bombs. We know the only people that have those type of bombs."

As she started the car, and started driving I made myself a promise, no matter what pain I go threw! No matter what obstacles I face! I wi- will get my family back to one piece and be happy at least one more time.

After about 1-1/2 hours of driving we finally parked next to a helipad. As we were getting into it, Kayla said," You guys should put this headphones on and take a rest. I'll get you guys to safety. It seems like you guys had a difficult time today! One thing I have to say is; Don't worry about the past, worry about the future. Oh and one more thing, when we get to the base I want you guys to say everything and anything you saw/heard today okay? Because we need as much information as we can get! You guys have been in the most dangerous part of a terrorists army, called ISIS. But after you tell us everything I want you guys to try to forget everything that happened today. This is to much for a 13 and 18 year old to witness."

Drew started moaning in pain and as I looked over to him, I realized that their was still open cuts. He started bleeding, every one knew that if we didn't treat his cuts, he would bleed out. You can hear him saying something, but I couldn't figure it all out.

He was whispering," M- ri--t a-m."

After running it through my head several times it finally struck me. His right arm! I grabbed Sgt. Guzman's knife and took his right arm. As I was cutting his tight, skinny right sleeve slowly I saw his eyes get real big. The sleeve was almost cut, his eyes closed. My hands started shaking, I couldn't control my-self! I dropped the knife repeatedly."FINALLY!" I screamed out half in joy and half in fear. Kayla looked back and saw his arm. From the top right shoulder, the cut went down swerving around his arm like Christmas lights on a tree. Blood instantly filled up the open cuts and soon poured out like a waterfall. I looked at the other side of his arm, a slash that went straight into his bone. He squinted his eyes and I looked at him, tears grew in both eyes."He needs medical attention as soon as possible! He's going to bleed out and die!" I screamed into the microphone.

My scream frightened Kayla, the helicopter spun out of control. Soon after she got control, she turned around and said in a panicky voice,"Blake! You need to fly this helicopter! If you don't then I can't get back there and help Drew, so you need to take control of this helicopter! Now!

"I-I-I don't know how to even fly!" I said in a scared voice.

"Umm... Ok fine, but you HAVE to listen to every word I say okay!?" Kayla yelled.

I said as fast as I could think of it,"Ok! I will, what do I need to do first?"

"Look for a First Aid Kit! inside the box should have most of the supplies you'll need."

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