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Ash makes sure Giovanni and him leave, following them as a constant, threatening shadow. "I'll go help him finish up the security systems as well." Marcus's mouth is set in a grim expression, eyes hard with anger. But it washes away when he feels my eyes on him, and turns to me with a small smile. "But could you go make sure Yoshi has his meds? I forgot to go check up on him earlier." Chance nods to him.

"Yeah, I'll do it. Keep your gun on you, yeah?" Marcus nods back.

"Always do." We part ways, Chance grabbing a bag of snacks for Hideyoshi on the way there.

For the most part, Hideyoshi is feeling much better. But when we open the door to his room, we find him covered in sweat, mid-pushup. "Yoshi...!" I scold him, and at once he leaps to his feet, blushing. Marching over to him, I check over all his bandages, lecturing him all the while. "You were on the busy end of how many weapons and you're here trying to work out?!" I cry incredulously, frowning at him.

"Hey, I didn't build this body by sleeping all day. Can't lose my gains, yo." My frown deepens and my lips form a thin line.

"Oh my god...you re-opened one of the wounds! Hideyoshi, go clean this right now!" Still red, he vanishes into the bathroom and comes back out after a quick shower, lowering himself into his bed with a sigh. 'He's gotten a little stir-crazy, but he needs to rest.'

"You were always a stubborn patient." Chance sighs, shaking his head.

"Yeah, like you're one to talk." Hideyoshi closes his eyes, falling quiet for a bit as his exhaustion overtakes him. I sit on the edge of his bed, nudging him until he takes his antibiotics.

"We know you're a tough guy. You don't need to hurt yourself more trying to prove it." I tilt my head and furrow my brows in worry.

"I'm fine, really." I huff at him.

"You were shot!" My lips purse.

"Yeah, well..." He grins at us. "You should have seen the other guy after Ash was done with him." An involuntary shudder rolls down my spine. 'I'll pass, thanks. My imagination is enough to keep me 'entertained.''

"That 'other guy' is why we're in a heap of trouble right now." Chance takes his time walking through the room, sliding his hand along one of the display weapons as he passes. "Giovanni came by." Hideyoshi's smile drops. He grows a little pale.

"Oh. Guess we weren't very careful, were we?" He frowns, looking at the ground.

"Guess so. The old man knows we were behind the attack. Made a bunch of threats and left." Hideyoshi sits up with his back reclining against the headboard, fists clutching the sheets.

"...Does he know what happened to me?"

"Probably. But he didn't mention it." Hideyoshi's gaze drops, eyes unfocused as his mind goes somewhere else.

"Oh." His voice sounds far away and pained with past memories.

"Don't worry, Yoshi." I walk closer to rub a hand through his hair, mussing up the black strands. "Chance will fix this." I smile reassuringly.

"I know he will. He always does." Hideyoshi dares to give me a smile. Chance sighs.

"I wanted to fix this sooner. But at this point, it's already spiraled out of control. All we can do is try to mitigate the damage. Maybe try to prevent it from getting worse." Hideyoshi loses his smile, becoming serious.

"Anything I can do?" He sounds hopeful, but Chance shuts him down at once.

"YOU need to stay in bed and heal. Or I'll lock you up in one of the secret rooms." 'Secret rooms? You mean there's more than one?!' "The gang we tried to squash is definitely gonna come after us. Giovanni probably gave them permission to retaliate. So if that happens, I need you fully recovered. Got it?" Hideyoshi sinks into the cushions, visibly deflating.

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