Chapter 1.

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I heard the door creak open, then I heard not my mom's voice, but my favorite person in the world's voice. My brother Andrew. "Hey Marie, I heard you crying from my room. What's up?"

I turn to face him and just jump up to hug him. At first he seemed a little taken back but after seeing tears still streaming down my face he started hugging me back while rubbing circles on my back to comfort me. He knew better then to start talking to me while I was upset, he just stood there holding me and letting me sob into his chest.

As I began to pull away Andrew starts to speak. "Marie, what's wrong? Please don't tell me everything's fine because I've known you all my life and you rarely ever cry."

I open my mouth trying to say something, but the words just aren't coming out. I have nothing to say for the first time in my entire life..

"I uh-. Uhm. It's just ever since you left for school. Things changed a lot around here."

"What kind of changes?"

I quickly ran to the door opening it to see if my mother was near.

"Marie, what're you doing?"

I sat down once again. I opened my mouth to speak, I tried but nothing would come out.

"C'mon Marie, you can tell me anything and you know that."

I looked up to meet his hazel eyes we share from our father. He had that sincere look making me want to tell him, but I don't have the words to. So I pulled up my sleeves.

He look confused at first, but when he saw my wrists with cuts he look at me in astonishment.

He quickly grabbed my wrists and examined them. Then his eyes met mine. "Marie, why? When? I don't understand. Please talk to me, I'm always going to be here for you. You know that."

I reply "look, it's hard to explain okay. It's not easy. I'm just depressed.." I began to fake cough "and I tried committing suicide." I said that while fake coughing in hopes that he didn't hear me say it.

"You what?" Tears began forming in his eyes.

"I tried committing suicide okay."

"Why though? Why would you do that?"

"Well mom and dad abuse me, I get bullied, and I'm just depressed. You guys deserve better, I'm just pulling everyone down. Even dad said it, I'm a waste of space." I didn't even notice that I was crying until I felt a tear falling down my face.

Andrew quickly pulled me in for another tight hug, "you are definately not a waste of space. You're amazing, why didn't you tell me though? I could've helped you."

I just gave him that look and he knew what I meant.

He began to speak up, "why don't you come and live with me in my apartment? It's your senior year. And you can use e-school. It's better than your highschool now."

My eyes lit up, "REALLY? Can I?"

"Well we'd have to get an okay from mom and dad, but I'd love to have you with me. I don't want you to self harm anymore. I want my baby sis around to tease when I'm in a rocking chair."

I started giggling and smiling for the first time since he left.

"There's that smile I've been waiting for. Just promise me you won't self harm anymore."

"I will try my best for you."

At dinner

We were all sitting like a normal family, all together at the table for the first time since the boys left.

It was very quiet until Andrew started to speak up. "Mom, could Marie come live with me? She wanted to take some running start classes at the community college near my university."

My moms eyes started to widen, "I don't know if that's a good idea hun."

"Mom please, she's a senior. We'll be fine. We won't be that far away. It's what's best for Marie."

"Oh, alright. But YOU are responsible for her, if anything goes wrong we better be the first to know."

My brother's eyes as well as mine lit up in excitement. That for the first time I smiled at my mom. "Thanks mom!!"

After that it was quiet once again. No one talked, we all just finished our dinners.

I quickly ate the remaining food on my plate so I could pack since Andrew was leaving tomorrow morning. Let's write one last letter in this hell hole.

Sorry I haven't updated; i give you permission to hate me. jk don't. But it's a intro so nothing good really happens so don't get your underwear in a wad. 😬✋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2014 ⏰

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