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When you see this I will have wifi.... BUT I DONT RN!!!!!!! I was in the middle of watching the vlog when I got a text that I used all my data. Then I realized that my wifi was turned off and my data was still on! And so then I wrote an apology text to my mom cuz she was really mad about it. (We have a shared plan) . And then I turned on the wifi. Then it said that the wifi wasn't working!!!!! (Btw I am at my dads..... my parents are divorced) so now I have to wait till 7pm when I go to my moms..... arg I am so frustrated.... and you won't see this till I have wifi..... arg.

And now are friends are coming over so even if the wifi did start working I still won't be able to watch it.......

Ok i have wifi but am I am not allowed on my phone so ARRRGGGG.

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