1. The beginning.

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   "so you know what to do" the man I was going to be working for said, I could see he had a ton of disbelief in his eyes considering my age, so it was my job to clear all his doubt. Besides he was the one who looked disappointing. He was wearing an oversized shirt with a big soup stain in the middle and a worn out sweatpants and to top it all up with today's special he had no foot wear on, not even socks and oh my God he reeked of stale alcohol - I don't know but he did not smell ok.  It was like he had not bathed since he was born. He looked more like he was going through a lot terrible break up.
     After taking a look at my future boss, not a very good impression. I finally answered his question with so much seriousness in my time showing him I was just as responsible as he was, but they was no doubt I looked more responsible.
"yes sir, I know what to do " I answered making sure I was polite and hiding my disgust. He looked at me as well f he was frustrated I was already so scared he was not satisfied with my tone. I was confused, but my knight in shining armor cleared my doubts before I could even connect the dots trying to find any mistake in my behavior. He finally spoke up "don't call me sir, call me kaen you make it seem like I'm old." I honestly wanted to laugh. Here in front if me was a man that looked like he was in his late forties and is telling practically telling me he was not old, but I had to clear his doubt maybe his family and friends were not being realistic enough.
"with all due respect Kaen you are old –like very old " I said.

"just play along-"

"Aaris" I said

"well just play along Aaris".

"OK Kaen when do I start " I asked.

"Today sweetie " he said while sorting out some files. When he was done he left his office leaving me to think about my decision. I took for like ten minutes trying to convince my self that I had made the right decision. I was interrupted by a prick on the door revealing a pissed off kaen.


"Get to work." Immediately he said those words I knew it was the beginning of hell on earth - the beginning I wanted to run, but I couldn't. I taught of all the reasons I was doing this and there I knew there was no turning back.  I let out a big sigh before following Kaen to start for the day.

Ok. So hello everybody this is the first chapter it's a little short, but don't worry it gets better hope you enjoyed it. Pleas feel free to comment. Till we meet again😘

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