7 - okay

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When I met Grayson at Cora's the next morning, he had taken my breath away - both literally and figuratively. He came up behind me while I was standing in the line and lifted me into the air, causing me to scream out of impulse. My heart felt as heavy as my breathing when he finally turned me around and I groaned, hitting Grayson in the arm.

"You're a dick," I complained, trying not to smile as Grayson laughed and pulled me in for a hug. I froze in his embrace, the thought immediately hitting me that this was the first time we had been as close in contact as we were. As I hesitantly reached around to hug Grayson back, I inhaled the scent of his subtle but sweet cologne and sighed. I had a strange affinity for the way guys smelled and Grayson did not disappoint with his warm, inviting scent.

Time seemed to move slowly in our embrace and my mind couldn't help but wander to Tyson, how he always smelled of clean laundry. For the first time in days my heart began to ache all over again. The truth was that I was extremely upset about our breaking up, but I hadn't had much time to think about it given all the time I've spent with Grayson. I found myself tightening my grip on his torso just slightly, a silent thank you for everything he's done for me already.

Upon pulling from our hug, I couldn't help the way my eyes trailed down Grayson's body to take in his outfit. He wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, a simple enough outfit that somehow looked so amazing on him. I smiled when I noticed there was no hat covering his hair and I reached up before I could think twice to feel it.

Grayson didn't make a sound as I let my fingers run back through his soft hair once. It was when I finished the movement and let my arm drop down at his side that I noticed him looking down at me with adoration on his face. "I'm sorry, it looked so soft," I whined, feeling embarrassed.

"It was cute," he mused, silently motioning for me to move up in the line. "Really cute."

I smiled, not being able to find the right words to say. Luckily, just as I was about to break our awkward silence with something that surely would have been equally as awkward, we came up to the front of the line.

"So where did you want to sit?" I asked Grayson as I stood in front of the sitting area of the cafe. My coffee was warm in my hands, bringing feeling back into the tips of my fingers.

"Actually, I was thinking we could do something else today," Grayson said from right behind me. I turned around, my eyebrows coming together in confusion. There was a smirk on Grayson's face, one that I had a feeling I would come to get to know.

"What?" I hadn't really thought about doing anything else with Grayson. It had still only been a few days since meeting him, and I wasn't sure what I thought about going somewhere with him alone.

You've already been alone with him, my subconscious reminded me. If he was a creep, chances are he already would have made a move.

When I zoned back into Grayson's eyes, I cleared my throat. "I mean, what did you have in mind?"

Grayson grinned and took my hand, leading me back outside. I was thankful for the fact that the sidewalks were paved clear of snow, otherwise I likely would have fallen due to the way Grayson ran with his hand still squeezing mine.

"Ev, do you trust me?" he asked when we reached his car. I laughed, giving Grayson an incredulous look.

"What?" I asked, chewing on the inside of my lip.

"Do you trust me? As in, do you finally believe I'm not a psycho killer?"

I couldn't help but laugh at Grayson, his wide and excited eyes trained on my own as he waited for an answer. "I don't know," I teased, shrugging. "Maybe I should be more scared now that you've lead me into a parking garage alone. Should I be calling for help?"

Cold Coffee (g.d) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now