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What time do you value? Do you value time with friends, time working, time with family? Do you even value time at all? And within that time how do you act? At first, these questions may seem awfully overwhelming. But when you dissect it, it actually isn't all that hard. I for one most value time alone. It is the hardest time to come upon. Free from stress, people, and just being melancholy. This doesn't mean I don't enjoy time with people. It's just the question asks for the time you most VALUE. I for one value my time as it is one of the most important things to me. I have been recently waking up earlier, and sleeping later in hopes that I may have a longer day. Time with the people you want to talk to and be with is scarce sometimes but if  you can manage your time then maybe, just maybe, you can increase the time with them. Even if it is just an extra minute or two that time is irreplaceable. That's my look on it. That's why I want to make the most of the time that I have now, with them so I don't regret it in days to come. Regret, a scary word for me. But I'll save that for another day.

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