Bargain With A Beast

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"Holy mother of-" The moment the cold water hits my back is when my brain without a doubt snaps back to reality. My bare feet slip on the tile flooring of the shower, and I only just manage to maintain my balance.

With wide eyes, and uneven breathing from the scare, I shut the water off and wrap a towel around myself. Alright note to self. Don't get distracted in your thoughts while showering.

And here I thought that only dancing to the tune you're listening to could lead to near slip accidents in showers. I grumble out a string of random words before drying myself off and changing.

I brush out my shoulder length hair as I attempt to clear my thoughts. Ever since I woke up, apparently forty minutes ago, there's been this nagging feeling in the back of my head that something bad is going to happen.

Then again it might just be the nerves from being back home and having to actually start a job that's not at some department store. Although the last time I got this distracted in the morning I did end up with a volleyball to the face during gym class.

Finishing up, I take a deep breath and remind myself that the chances of getting hit in the face with a ball in gym are none since I'm no longer in high school.

Happy with that thought, I grab my stuff and head out. I pass by Scott's room but back trace and knock on his door. "Hey you better not make us late." I call out and knock a few more times.

When we were younger sometimes we'd accidentally miss the bus. As you can imagine with a younger asthmatic brother it wasn't exactly the highlight of the day having to watch him struggle as we walked to school.

"I won't, I won't." An agitated Scott answers from the other side of the door. I walk downstairs and to the kitchen to start making some breakfast. About ten minutes later Scott decides to finally come down to eat.

"Took you long enough, Smeagol." I joke, handing him a plate. He narrows his eyes while taking his spot across from me on the table.

"Is that from Star Wars?" He questions in a confused tone.

I let my head fall on the table, making sure not to land on my plate. "Oh my lanta, you haven't watched the Lord of the Rings either!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air dramatically.

He rolls his eyes thinking I'm overreacting or whatnot. But I'm not seeing as how he hasn't even watched Star Wars either -- or many good movies now that I think of it.

"So how's the school year been going anything interesting happen yet?" I ask, wanting to change the subject from the lack of geekyness from my younger brother.

He tenses up slightly before shrugging his shoulders. "Nope, nothing besides the usual."

I rub my arm instantly feeling bad. I've Skype with him and mom almost everyday since I left. And well, since he started highschool last year he's told me how he gets compared with me.

It's completely unfair and honestly very annoying when they say rude things to him like that.

"Sorry about that, shorty. I know I would hate that." He smiles, accepting my apology, but it's not exactly like we've ever gotten into a big fight with each other before. We just always get along seeing as how we've always been close and tell each other everything.

Finishing up I take my stuff to the sink as he heads off to get his backpack.

"I'll wait in the car." I yell, grabbing my things and heading outside.

I stop and look at the 1967 Chevy Camaro parked on the street. Normally not my first choice in a car, like at all, but hey I got it very cheap a few years back.

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