Misunderstandings Of Demon Blood

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To say that its been painfully hard to try to forget about how much I embarrassed myself last night, is an understatement.

One because my brain is finding joy in not letting me forget, and two because I lost my phone. So it's either in Derek's car or somewhere in the woods around his house.

I'm hoping the latter so I can just avoid him for awhile longer. But knowing my luck I probably won't get that...lucky. I prop my elbows on my desk and rest my chin on my palms. The fact that he's the first guy I honestly like since--

I fiddle with a piece of my hair to keep my mind from wandering where I don't want it to. Unfortunately it starts to wander instead to what happened yesterday again.

"Oh God. It wasn't even just a small simple kiss." I mumble embarrassed. I honestly don't remember what was going through my head the moments before it happened.

Someone knocks on my office door and I let out a mumbled come in before looking up to see who it is. "Oh, hey Ana." I greet.

She smiles at me but I see a mischievous glint in her eyes. If I've learnt anything from babysitting Scott and Stiles is that that look never means anything good.

"I stopped by to tell you that your boyfriend came by to see you." She happily remarks, leaning up against the door frame.

Wait, what did she just say? I feel my eye twitch and my mouth open and close like an idiot.

"No, why does life hate me so much." I groan, letting my face fall to my desk. I let out a muffled 'ow' as I hear her take a seat on one of the chairs in the room.

Why do I have the a sudden urge to book it to the parking lot?

"By any chance is the guy your referring to wearing a leather jacket, has green eyes, is a bit pale, and what looks to be a permanent scowl on his face." There's probably a chance that she didn't hear a word I just said because I spoke so quickly, and because my face is still smushed on the desk.

"Yes to everything except the scowl." She responds. "He actually seems like a nice guy especially since he came to give you your phone." I lift up my head, and let out a terrified squeak of some sort, causing an amused and somewhat confused look to grow on her face.

"Is he by any chance still here?" I ask warily. She grins and nods once. But her grin disappears when she takes notice of my nervousness. I don't blame her since I'm hardly the type of person to get like this.

"Alright spill. What's wrong?" She looks at me as I contemplate telling her. I mean I don't want to seem like I'm overreacting, or for her to laugh at the situation I got myself into.

Honestly I feel like an over emotional high school teenager right about now.

"Well I kinda sorta kissed him last night..." I stop as I feel my face start to heat up.

"But?" She trails off, waving a hand for me to continue. Alright you know what I'm just gonna come clean about it, I mean I don't have any other female my age here that I can talk to.

"Well you see." I pause, shifting uncomfortably in my chair. "It kinda sorta was more like I jumped onto his lap straddling him while making out in the drivers seat of his camaro." I explain, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.

"Woah McCall, I didn't know you had it in you." She smirks before pilling all my stuff into my bag and shoving it towards me. "How about we just get you out through one of the back doors." She suggests, already up and by the door.

"Thanks Ana." She waves a hand dismissively, telling me that it's no big deal.

We leave out of my office, with her practically yanking my arm off, as we weave around the people in the hallways. "Its just that Derek isn't really the type of guy that likes that type of--emotional stuff." I explain, after finding the sorta right word.

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