Chapter eight

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- Grayson -
- His POV of the Night of the Party-

I've really been thinking a lot the last few days, and I decided to go to Mila's party. I know it's behind Madison's back and after I told her not to go, but I only did that to protect her. Obviously people don't realize what Mila is capable of. Convincing an already expecting teenager that she is also carrying your other baby, just out of jealousy? And now after she tried to 'make amends' she decides to show up once again, and invites Madison to a party. Things aren't adding up, and I have a horrible feeling about whatever it is that's going on.

I told Maddy that I had a late shift Friday night, tonight, so she wouldn't be suspicious as to where I was since I obviously wouldn't be home. I left around six, and thankfully she believed what I had told her. I always bring a backpack with me to work, but instead of my normal belongings I had a change of clothes inside. I drove down the street til I was out of site, then pulled over and quickly changed in the back seat.

My plan tonight is to find Mila, get her alone, and figure out what the hell is going on.

I arrived to the party about twenty minutes after I'd left my house. I could tell it was a little early, which was good. The more time I can get and the less people around the better. No one typically is upstairs until the late hours of the party, so this would be perfect if everything goes to plan.

- At the Party -

I pulled onto the street Mila lived on, I looked in Madison's purse to check the address before I left. There were a decent amount of cars here already, more than I was expecting. I was around the tenth or eleventh car down the road, but there were vehicles on each side, and each had carried about 4 people, so yeah, a lot of people. I stepped out my car, taking a deep breath and walking up the side walk to the house. Most of the people there were on the front lawn doing whatever outside since the sun was still out. It's early September, so the weather's still nice. I scanned the crowd to find a familiar face, but saw no one recognizable, and not the person in particular that I was looking for. I decided to go inside to get a drink, and see if Mila was in there. I sat at on the living room couch for a solid thirty minutes, carefully observing as people walked in and out of the house. People kept trying to talk to me, mostly a bunch of buzzed 15 year old girls, but I finally got away from them when I saw Mila walk around the corner. I immediately got up, prying the crazed sophomores off of me, and ran over to her.

"I need to talk to you, now." I said dominantly backing her into a corner.

"Grayson... I'm so glad you came. I didn't think you'd come to be honest, thought your little wifey would get too big of a stick shoved up her ass to let you out of her sight, let alone come to my party." She laughed sliding her finger down my chest, I swatted it off immediately.

"Talk about her like that again and you'll be on the floor." I could feel heat rising in my face and my knuckles began to clench.

"Oou, I love it when you talk dirty to me baby."

I knew this was her plan all along. Try to ease her way back into our lives to hurt the girl I love the most, and try and make me her bitch. She's fucked.

I rolled my eyes groaning and grabbed her aggressively by the arm. I dragged her upstairs and threw her into the first open room I saw. She threw herself on the bed and started crawling towards me, it was a horrific sight to see. I swung the door behind me hearing it hadn't closed all the way, but she was about to try some freaky shit on me and I couldn't risk letting her take advantage of the two seconds it would take to click it shut.

She jumped off the bed almost collapsing on the floor, I could tell she'd had a few. I grabbed her by the shoulders and attempted to try and communicate that what she was doing had to stop, but trying to explain something to someone who's drunk and already crazy is a tricky task.

"Mila, this isn't going to happen you are insane. Do you understand me? You are psychotic and you need serious medical help. You have a son who needs you Mila, and I have a daughter with my wife, and they are worth more to me than this Earth itself. I will not let you ruin my family. So leave us alone, get out of our lives, and focus on your own. Because clearly it needs some serious attention. Goodbye Mila." I turned to walk away, but she grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me up against the wall. I tried pushing her off me, but she wouldn't budge. Before I could do anything she forced her lips onto mine, aggressively kissing me. I was in hell.

Just as I was about to break out of her grip, I heard the door open. She finally got off of me, and both of our attentions were brought to the open doorway.

"Oh my god Madison." She had tears streaming down her face and ran down the steps. I threw Mila off of me and chased after her as fast as I could. But once I had gotten outside, her car was already half way down the street. I ran to my car throwing myself inside and started speeding home. My heart was breaking, I could feel how much pain she was in from the look in her eyes.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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