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"Yo! Bitches wake up, we got a show to put on today. You already know so don't act surprised." I heard Nick's annoying voice as I tried to sleep. I sat up, pulled back my curtain, and chucked a pillow at him. I hurried and shut the curtain back and layer back down.

"Milani, you are one shady mother fucker." He laughed and pulled back my curtain and threw me over his shoulder all in one motion.

I yelled and hit him until I felt my whole body hit something very cold, then go numb. I realized he had just thrown me into the snow. I forgot that our first show was in New York.

I sat there for a few seconds before it all really clicked and I started freaking out. I hopped out of the snow and ran after Nick to the tour bus, and me being the short frozen person I was, I got there after he locked the door.

I could hear him cackling like a maniac through the door, then realized that I just had on little shorts, and a tank top, that were both soaked so you could see my matching black lace bra and panty set from Victoria's Secret, I guess they were in for a show.

Even through my loud banging on the door, you could hear Nick, and a few others laughing. I sighed kind of giving up, so I sat down shivering. These boys don't know what's coming for them.

I could hear Justina yelling at them, then the locks clicked. I hurried and hopped up before the door opened.

I ran in and the heat was the best feeling ever. Justina put a big warm blanket on me and I thanked her before stand there and mugging them.

I was so mad at this point that it wasn't funny, all the boys were laughing, and then Matt was the one who really set me off.

He walked up to me and smirked before saying, "Fresh meat protocol." Like what kind of crap is that.

I roll my eyes before telling them I hate them and going to my bunk since Chico is in the bathroom. He's probably my favorite person on the tour other than Justina.

Speak of the devil she comes over and climbs on the other end of my bunk sitting crisscross practically mirroring me. I smile at her and ask her what's up.

She leans over shutting the curtain before leaning up to whisper, "Matt likes you." I laugh and roll my eyes out of instinct. He hates me and I know it, all I do is try and be nice and he's just an ass, there's nothing you can do with that.

"Mm, probably not." I shrug and she shakes her head, not satisfied with my answer.

"You can't lie, he's attractive."

"Yes, but his attitude and ego aren't. Plus looks aren't all that matter, and I'm kinda too tied up in life for a relationship."

"He's only like that because he's scared, of what, I don't know, but I know that he's not normally like that. You'll notice when just he and D.C. are together he's open and loose. He's different when it comes to you."

"Whatever you say, but still probably not."


"Your gonna do great, just be yourself. Nick didn't put you on the show for nothing." I smiled at her and nodded realizing that this is too good to be nervous.

Nick was on stage about to introduce our team, but little did I know he called my name and they all started pushing me out while I looked like a deer stuck in headlights I'm sure.

I took a deep breath before sucking up all my feelings and running on stage. I got into the lights and everyone cheered. I smiled and waved then it got quite and you could hear just one person.

"Oh, she is cute." I laughed and smiled in the direction it came from. He then introduced the Gold Squad and they all ran out like hype beasts and I went over with them and we went to our side.

Nick continued with the introductions and then he called out The Breakfast Club, which are honestly my favorite brunch of people (pun intended 😂). They walked out and I couldn't wipe off the smile on my face that had been there since I walked out on stage.

We went on and played the first game, I didn't really participate just so I could get a feel for everything. Our next game was Talking Spit one of my favorites.

After Hitman went then it was Emanuel. I then was pushed up there. I squatted down next to Nick with my mic. I took a deep breath and started my punch line, "Oh Man, Oh man, Nick Cannon's thought's," I started a little shakey but then the crown cheered and I finished strong making fun of the Platinum Squad getting her to spit, earning a bell from DJ D-wreck.

I walked back over to my team and the all hyped me up, even Matt which was surprising. We all watched when Pickles walked up and made Nick spit, because he sucks.

Then Matt walked over and flirted then caressed he face making her spit and me feel a little jealousy.

Milani, you have a boyfriend and Matt hates you. Chill

He walked over smiling from ear to ear making me smile as well.

We finished the game and played a bunch more having a fun time. I guess you could say my first show was a success.

Do you guys think I should update more frequently and make the chapters shorter like this one, or keep the updates spaced out and the chapters longer? Thanks for all the positive feedback on the last chapter, it means so much. I love you guys, thank you fir everything!


length : 1k

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