Chapter 2- Romantic Lies

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-Yugyeom- You have cancer Y/N. I am afraid that y-you will l-leave us... - Y/N turned towards Yugyeom with a warm smile, and speaking as softly as she was able.

-Y/N- Then I guess you must hurry up and make all your dreams come true. That way I won't have to worry so much in my next life – She nudged him playfully, but his expression was unchanged. He had much more to say, but decided not to press her too much.

-Yugyeom- Please Y/N... Have you been going to the doctor lately? Do you know what stage is it on? Can you get treated? You need to tell Lisa, she can go with you to the appointments – Y/N's smile faded once again.

-Y/N- Let's leave Lisa out of this. I want her to learn about the business well, as well as do everything she wants to do in her life. This way she can become self-responsible, and focus only on herself. She doesn't need to take care of someone else now- Y/N turned Yugyeom towards the corridor exit, and gave him a slight push.

-Y/N- Same goes for you Yugyeom-ah. You only need to learn how to take care of yourself before you start worrying about me. I am ok. Don't be too concerned. Now go, I'm sure you were busy before coming here! – Yugyeom wanted to stay, and know more about the issue, but Y/N's words gave him some peace of mind. He had also left his GOT7 hyungs alone when Lisa texted him. He starts walking away while Y/N waves at him goodbye.

Once Yugyeom is gone, her hand slowly dropped to her side, her expression somber.

-Y/N- Yugyeom-ah.... There is no point in worrying about someone who has no hope left – She said it almost in a whisper, but Jungkook clearly heard her before she walked away.

His heart was racing, and he could feel each beat sting. He knew about these things happening, since they always mentioned it on TV. But to know it was happening to someone so young broke his heart.

-Jungkook- Y/N is around Jin and Suga hyung age.... – The thought of it happening to any of the other members sent a shiver down his spine. His legs were weak as he fell onto the floor slightly pressing his back against the wall.

-Jungkook- W-why am I so shaken right now? Is it because I thought about my hyungs getting sick? – Y/N's face flashed into his mind – No hope....I-Is she d-dying? – His eyes widened and for a moment he forgot about the idol image and reputation he needed to maintain. Jungkook quickly stood up from the floor, and ran towards Y/N, turning her to face him. She was perplexed, but just as she was about to ask him he pulled her into an embrace. Her eyes were as wide as physically possible.

-Y/N- J-Jungkook-ssi? What are you doing? – She paused for a moment, and felt his grip body rest on hers. She slowly broke the hug, grabbing his shoulders and worriedly scanning his body with her eyes – Do you feel sick now? Are you hurt somewhere? – She kept looking for any visible injuries, as he felt his heart stop for a second.

-Jungkook- Y/N- ssi... - Her worried gaze meeting with his teary eyes - *She is worried about me. How could you worry about me right now? * - He proceeded to hug her once more.

- Jungkook- Let me rest my head here for a moment. I-I feel a bit nauseous – He lied, but he could hold no longer after looking at her. As he buried his face on her shoulder, tears started to fall.

Y/N felt something warm and wet on her shoulder, and she immediately knew he was crying.

-Y/N- * He must be sad or worried about something. Just exactly how much did you held in that you broke into crying in front of me* - A smile formed on her lips, as she gently patted his back, not moving away from him.

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