Chapter 3- My Hope, My Angel- Final Chapter

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-Jungkook- Y/N please talk to me. Hang in there! Y/N?! –

He felt the strength leaving her body as he ran faster and faster towards the exit. As soon as the taxi stopped, he placed her carefully on the back seat and asked the driver to take them to the hospital. Y/N had lost consciousness in the way, and Jungkook kept holding her tightly in his arms. He was afraid to let go thinking that if he did, she might not be able to come back, so he kept on holding tight.

Once they arrived, Jungkook helped the nurses place her on the hospital bed, and rush her inside the emergency section. As he saw her disappear behind glass doors, he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and worry.

Back on the dance studio, the boys had returned from picking the plates, and doing the dishes. JHope looked around the place, and noticed Y/N was not there anymore.

-JHope- Where is Y/N? – he asked looking towards Jimin whose face was as pale as a paper, and he kept playing with his fingers.

-Jimin- S-something came up. She mentioned she needed to leave quickly-

-Suga- What about Jungkook? Bathroom? – Jimin nodded slightly, and kept fidgeting around nervously. JHope noticed he had a cardigan between the seat and the table, and he could recognize who it belonged to. It was Y/N's cardigan. He furrowed his brows at Jimin.

-Jimin- Um...Jungkook went to meet Yugyeom. Probably will go bowling later- He laughed awkwardly, when his phone rang. It was a msg from Jungkook, letting him know where he was. He opened his eyes wide, and stood up fast-

-Jimin- I-I also have to... I have something to take care off – He tried to hide the cardigan behind him and left.

-Namjoon- Wonder what all the hurry is.... Could it be a girl? - JHope walked out of the room following Jimin, but he was no longer there. He dialed Y/N's number on his phone, but it went directly to voicemail. For some reason, he felt anxious. He scrolled down his phone looking for one more number to call. Hesitantly, he dialed Jungkook's number, but there was no response. He let out a sight, and shook his silly thoughts away.

At the hospital, Jungkook ran towards the doctor as soon as he saw the him come out of the glass doors.

-Jungkook- How is she, doctor? –

-Doctor- Are you her guardian? - He said raising a brow since Jungkook looked quite young. Jungkook hesitated for a second, but nodded anyways.

-Doctor- Please accompany me to my office- They walked inside of his office, and Jungkook took a seat in front of the doctor's desk.

-Doctor- Were you aware of her condition? - Jungkook gulped hard.

-Jungkook- I know she has cancer, but nothing more- The doctor seemed a bit disappointed, and somehow sad. He shook his head, and looked at Jungkook with pitiful eyes.

-Doctor- It seems she didn't let her family know. I regret very much to say this so suddenly, but it is my duty to do so in the state she is currently in. I am afraid she does not have much time left- Jungkook felt the blood drain away from his body. He clasped his hands tightly together, so tight it hurt.

-Doctor- Miss Y/F/N is in the most advanced stages of stomach cancer. The tumor is inoperable at this stage, and radiation is no longer an option since it has spread to other organs and bones. It seems she was aware of her diagnosis, but didn't get treatment previously. – Jungkook's face was so pale, the doctor stopped speaking and gave him a moment to cope with the news. After a few moments, Jungkook spoke softly, almost in a whisper.

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